A Special Invitation
We are so excited that you have chosen to visit our Church Website. You are welcome to worship with us, in person, as often as you can. Please know that God is in control and He will see us through. Stay Strong, Stay Focused…Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!
Church Schedule:
10 am Sunday School for all ages *See locations below
11 am Worship Sanctuary and Facebook Live
Children’s Church Education Building, Assembly Room
Nursery Education Building, Room 101
10 am Judy Strickland Prayer Group Family Ministry Center
5 pm Meal Family Ministry Center
(Sign up by Each Sunday in the Information Center)
6:30 pm Mission Friends Education Building, Room 102
(3 yrs to Kindergarten)
Journey Kids Education Building, Assembly Room
(1st to 5th grade)
Youth Sanctuary Basement
(6th to 12th grade)
Adult Bible Study Sanctuary
7 pm Choir Practice Sanctuary
Nursery I Birth up to 2 yrs Education Building Room 101
Bible Beginners 2 thru 4 yrs Education Room 102
Bible Learners 5 to 7 yrs (K – 2nd gr) Education Room 201
Bible Discoverers 8 to 11 yrs (3rd – 5th gr) Education Room 202
Youth 12 – 18 yrs (6th -12th gr) Sanctuary Basement
Adult Classes
Journey: Younger Singles & Couples Education Room 205
Studying the Bible, topics picked by members
Mildred Driver Class: Senior Singles & Couples Education Room 103
“Bible Studies for Life” from Lifeway (CSB)
J.O.Y.: Senior Ladies Class Education Room 107
“Bible Studies for Life” from Lifeway (CSB)
Andrew Batten/ Gary Hocutt: Senior Men’s Class Education Room 104
“Bible Studies for Life” from Lifeway (KJV)
Growing in Jesus: Singles & Couples of all ages Family Ministry Center
“Bible Study for Life” from Lifeway (KJV)
All Church activities are planned and conducted by one or more of the Ministry Teams. Activities are planned and discussed monthly by the Leadership Team which is made up of the Leaders and Co-Leaders of the Ministry Teams and a monthly church calendar is prepared witch details the Church Calendar of events planned for the next three months. Below is a brief description of the Ministry Teams and what their general job descriptions are. For more information on a specific Ministry Team, please contact one of the team leaders identified by the Ministry Team Name.
Pastoral Ministry Team – Chairman, Jimmy Faison, Vice Chairman, Matthew Lee. They serve a three-year term. They are recommended by the church congregation and voted on by secret ballot in August of each year.
Responsibilities: For serving with the pastor in providing “pastoral” ministry to the congregation and community, including: Church Relations (Personnel related items and Deacon Ministry Teams).
Administrative Ministry Team – Leaders, David Hughes and Ricky Watson. Leaders are recommended by the current Team leaders and presented to the church for approval in July of each year.
Responsibilities include maintaining the church finances, Constitution & By Laws, Counting Team, church insurance, and the church officers (church clerk and assistant, church treasurer and assistant, and Moderator)
Worship Ministry Team – Leaders, Dana Hocutt and April Adams. Leaders are recommended by the current team leaders and presented to the church for approval in July of each year. They are responsible for all area regarding any worship service of the church, including worship, decorating, ushers, greeters, photographer, audio-visual, history, music baptism, worship nursery, and children’s church.
Fellowship Ministry Team – Leaders, Brandon Baker and Lorrie Gay. Leaders are recommended by the current Team leaders and presented to the church for approval in July of each year. They are responsible for ministries associated with building Christian fellowship within our congregation. These include: Food Service, Wednesday Night Meals, and Bereavement Meals, Homecoming and other special services.
Missions Ministry Team – Leaders, Crystal Baker and Ashelyn Briggerman. Leaders are recommended by the current Team leaders and presented to the church for approval in July of each year. They are responsible for establishing and maintaining the mission ministry of the church which includes the Mission’s Marketplace, annual chicken BBQ supper, Fall Festival, community missions, etc. Included in this team is the Women on Mission groups (Levada Driver Baptist Women, Vera Hocutt Circle, G.A.L.S. (God’s Awesome Ladies Serving)) and Baptist Men.
Discipleship Ministry Team – Leaders Susan Andrews and Tonya Bailey. Leaders are recommended by the current Team leaders and presented to the church for approval in July of each year. This team is responsible for the teaching ministries of the Church, including but are not limited to Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Small Group Studies, etc. This includes the following: Director of Sunday School, Sunday School Teachers, Sunday School Greeters, Membership Training, Vacation Bible School Director and assistant, and Librarian.
Evangelism Ministry Team – Leaders Lou Carroll and Jean Hocutt. Leaders are recommended by the current Team leaders and presented to the church for approval in July of each year. This team is responsible for activities associated with vocally sharing the message of salvation with “lost” persons. This includes visitor cards and communication and new member welcome packages.
Age Specific Teams – Leaders: OWLS - Patsy Narron and Olivia Cooke, Youth - Danielle Gidding and Joy Bishop, Children – Wayne Batten and Pam Batten. Leaders are recommended by the current Team leaders and presented to the church for approval in July of each year. They are responsible for activities associated with specific age group ministries such as Senior Adult (OWLS, (Older Wiser Livelier Seniors)), Children's Ministry, and Youth Ministry.
Property Management and Maintenance Ministry Team – Leaders, Ricky Andrews and Danny Ayscue. Leaders are recommended by the current Team leaders and presented to the church for approval in July of each year. They are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the church properties and issues related to space needs and the cemetery.
Bus Ministry Team – Leaders Wayne Batten and Ricky Narron. Leaders are recommended by the current Team leaders and presented to the church for approval in July of each year. They are responsible for the use of the bus, including general maintenance and repairs of the bus and the use of the bus.
These Ministry Teams are always looking for assistance with their activities and welcome new members to assist them. If you are interested in serving on any of these ministry teams, please contact the team leaders for information.
Leadership Team Meeting: 2nd Monday each month @ 7:00pm in the Family Ministry Center
Administrative Team Meeting: 3rd Monday each month @ 7:00pm in the Family Ministry Center
Deacon’s Meeting: 4th Monday each month @ 7:00pm in the Family Ministry Center
Baptist Men: Now meeting on 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6PM. Location Blvd Pizza in Wendell
March Memory Verse: That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;
That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love. Ephesians 3:16-17 KJV
Glen Brock, Pastor
Baptist Tabernacle Church Wendell, NC 27591