March 24 Perpetual FORGIVENESS Colossians 3:13-15
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “ bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do. 14 But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. 15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.” (Colossians 3:13-15)
FORGIVENESS is the Key to Relationships! GOD loves us enough that HE sent JESUS to be our Sacrificial Lamb to Re-establish a Relationship with God the Father, through Jesus His Son. Relationship is the KEY! When we are focused on establishing and expanding the relationship with God, through Jesus, then we are going to be in a constant position and mentality to “Forgive” one another, and because of this growth, we will experience the “PEACE,” and allow this Peace to rule in our hearts and because of this fact, we will see others differently and then we can enjoy the gratitude of His Grace and be of one mind and one accord! EGO, ATTITUDE, PRIDE, PREJUDICE, PETTY ISSUES are not examples of a Growing and Dynamic Relationship with our Savior! God has established the standards; it is up to you to embrace and live by these Holy Standards! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…. THE BEST IS YET TO BE!
SIDE NOTE: When your actions cause others to stumble and to leave the Church Body, then it is time for you to have a Spiritual Check-up to determine your motivations and your reasons for the cause of being a “Stumbling Block!”
Fulfilling the Call
March 23 2 Timothy 4:1-4
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: 2 Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all long suffering and teaching. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth and be turned aside to fables. 5 But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” (2 Timothy 4:1-4)
Through Prayer and Supplication with Thanksgiving, God is blessing the family and fellowship of our local church body, however, because of the abundant blessings and the outpouring of His Amazing Grace, Satan is working Double Time to thwart, hamper and to destroy the unity of the fellowship and to create Drama and Chaos, all with the idea of challenging the work of our Lord! Over the past 2 years, we have experienced phenomenal growth and baptisms, and the face and dynamic of our church family has expanded to include new and fresh faces. There will always be “Growing Pains,” but Satan has brough the “Pain” to new levels! Amazingly, there hasn’t been a day, in the past several weeks, that I haven’t received a call reporting a new issue or a situation where one is at odds with another! First, I am excited that there are individuals that are committed to the cause of Christ, but the petty bickering and the politics of church life that cloud the true mission and purpose of the church causes great concern! Our Savior, Jesus, warned of the opportunities to be self-centered and to forget who we serve, and follow our own way! How exciting it is to be ready to step behind the sacred desk, to share His Good News, and be greeted with some simple and ridiculous situation that has ZERO, NO Eternal Significance, yet is presented as if the entire future of mankind rests in the immediate solution to the issue, and it is my responsibility to solve it in the moments before I preach! Unless the building is on fire or someone is having a heart attack, most things are not a “life and death” issue! Regardless of the challenges, I love what I do, and I love doing it with you, the Family of Believers at BTC! We are not perfect, but we are forgiven! Please stop to consider if the issues at hand are really important to the growing body of Christ, or just our own desires! We are to live peaceably with all folks, as much as we can! We are to love God completely, and we are to love our neighbors as we love ourselves! Programs, Bylaws, Processes, Opinions, Biases, Habits, Traditions do not dictate the Cause of Christ! Please take a moment to inventory your own life and ask the question, are my actions and are my motivations bringing honor to God and are they edifying to the Body of Christ? PLEASE DO NOT LET SATAN USE YOU TO THWART THE MESSAGE OF CHRIST! As the Shepherd of this amazing flock, I feel every hurt and every victory and every triumph and every struggle that you are going through, and I will continue to love, support and pray for all of you amazing folks for as long as God gives me life! Step back, evaluate your motives and double down on prayer that God will use you for HIS GLORY, not your own! Stay Strong, Stay Focused… THE BEST IS YET TO BE!
True Tolerance
March 22 True Tolerance Matthew 24:11
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “And many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many.” (Matthew 24:11)
Deception is an age-old method, used by Satan to thwart the cause of Christ and to further the influence of evil and chaos! I have attempted to understand how an individual can profess to be a Christian yet espouse thoughts and beliefs that are absolutely opposed to the clear and unmistakable teachings of God’s Holy Word! I have struggled with the idea of judging other’s actions, in light of God’s Word, yet I find myself questioning the motives of one that will claim the redeeming power of Jesus and express disdain for His expressed standards of right and wrong. As I grow in His Grace, I understand the challenges of being that “Light” in this dark, confused, and Satan driven World. God’s Word teaches that there are those that will have the appearance of righteousness yet will be in the business of deception and thwarting the cause of Christ! Remember the “Wheat & Tares?” How about the “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing?” Am I to be concerned with the inconsistent witness of one that claims one thing and acts another? I cannot change that situation; however, I can worship, read, pray, and grow my “Light” into the Brightest Glow that is possible, and overshadow the darkness of the inconsistent light of deception and evil! Romans 12:18 tells us, “If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.” Listen, this does not mean that we must agree with them, nor do we have to validate their thoughts, actions, attitudes, and behaviors! We are required to be witnesses for Christ, continue to grow in our relationship, and to be BRIGHT LIGHTS in this Evil and Dark Sinful World! Concentrate on your relationship with God, and Pray for your neighbors and friends, that they would do the same! I continue to recognize that I am a stranger in a foreign land, and I am ok! You see, I am the Son of a King, who is not moved by the world. For my God is with me and He goes before me, I do not fear, because I am His! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!
SIDE NOTE: In the entire 17 year of full-time ministry, today is the most difficult time! In the past 18 months, we have experienced phenomenal growth, multiple baptisms, and quantifiable individual spiritual growth, however, Satan is genuinely upset about the Spiritual progress, and has, obviously, targeted our fellowship for multiple and repeated attacks! NOT TODAY SATAN! PLEASE, inventory your motives, check your attitude, consider your actions, and PRAY the God will use you for HIS GLORY, not HUMAN SATISFACTION or EGO Driven Results! Please be aware that this Pillsbury Doughboy Pastor is standing in the gap and is targeting PRAYER to overcome the Devil and His Minions! It is time for a SPIRITUAL CHECKUP FROM THE NECK UP!
Happy Anniversary!
March 21 Happy Anniversary! 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8 Love never fails….” (1 Corinthians 13:4-8)
On March 21, 1981, I had the privilege of meeting the most amazing young lady that I had ever seen! Standing in the dormitory, at Atlantic Christian College (now Barton College), waiting for her to appear, nothing had prepared me for the amazing vision that I saw! She walked into the room and my heart skipped a beat or two, as I fumbled to say, “Hello.” She was beautiful! Her hair was so long! It cascaded down below her waist and when she smiled, I was smitten! Away we went on our adventure! Our first stop was Parker’s Barbeque (what a way to impress a Country Girl). In those days, I really knew how to “spoil” a girl! Next stop, the Bowling Alley. She beat me badly! I was still so focused on just how amazing she was, that I couldn’t even form words together to even act like someone with the ability to talk! As we sat at the snack area, I worked up enough courage to speak, and I asked for her phone number. Wow! She gave it to me! My heart skipped another beat! We took her back to the dorm and we said our goodbyes and back to Zebulon we went! On the drive home, I knew that my life had changed forever! Who would have thought that a “Blind Date” would be so special? Over the next few days, I was extremely busy, and I had not called her, and my friend asked me about calling her, and when I told him that I had not, well, he went “crazy!” I was still enamored, and I was still smiling, yet life was busy, and I just needed a push! I called her and we agreed to meet and go out again! Wow Wee… I was hooked! Now, she was not so much…she was completing her BS in Nursing and all that goes with those final days, and I was not a priority! I continued to visit, and we continued to date, and we continued to grow closer, and we continued to have fun together and then it happened! I was saying “Good Night,” and I said it, I really said it, I said, “I Love You!” She responded with, “Thank you!” Thank-you! Really? At this point, I began the campaign to change the “Thank you” into “I Love You!” Praise God! She finally said it and on October 29, 1983, she said, “I DO,” and our Love Story that began with a “Blind Date,” still survives and thrives today! By the way… I had prayed that God would send someone into my life that I could love and that she would love me and that, together, we could build a life together, that would honor Him and make our earthly lives fulfilling! THANK YOU, GOD, FOR ANSWERED PRAYERS! Annette, I loved you then, and I love you more today than I did yesterday! Thank you for 44 amazing years of love, dedication, and shared blessings! Friends, may you know the blessings of God, in every area of your life! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!
“Advertising for Christ”
March 20 “Advertising for Christ” Matthew 5:16
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)
During my extended retail career, I experienced many competitors that would advertise products that they didn’t have, nor were they going to sell those products. Many were creating the wrong impression about the products, just to lure folks into their stores. I have always thought that this was a sad and deceptive practice, and it usually ends in disappointment. This reminds me of a poem that Daddy used to make a point about impressions. It is called, “The Lion and the Rabbit.” “A lion met a tiger as they drew beside a pool, Said the tiger, ‘Tell me why you’re roaring like a fool.’
‘That’s not foolish,’ said the lion with a twinkle in his eyes. ‘They call me King of all Beasts because I advertise.’
A rabbit heard them talking and ran home with a streak; he thought he’d try the lion’s plan, but his roar was just a squeak.
A fox came to investigate – Had luncheon in the woods, so when you advertise, my friend, be sure you’ve got the goods!”
The Lord commands us to “advertise,” “Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature…” Jesus Christ tells us, in our passage for today, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.” In the secular world, advertising is used to draw attention to a product or a service and there are various methods for that purpose. We live in an age in which most of the people may be experiencing “Brainwashing,” due to so much false advertising. Could it be possible, that in the Spiritual World, that there is “False Advertising?” Saying that we are one thing and acting like another. Why Advertise? We do it to attract people to our products, services, or ideas. In the Christian Life, advertising is essential to honor God’s Calling. Unfortunately, there are many that label themselves as Christian, but their lives indicate “False Advertising!!” If an investigation were made of your life, as a Christian, could you be sued for “False Advertisement?” Christ told us to go and lift Him up as the Key to Eternal Life in Heaven, but perhaps we have lifted-up other things. What a shame!! There are those that will spend their entire life, lifting up the wrong things, maybe leading folks into a religious circle of activities, yet never leading them to “CHRIST!!” Several months ago, I wrote a devotion called, “Old Time Religion,” and I truly believe that we need to keep it fresh and vital before folks and allow the Spirit of God to draw them into His Saving Grace! Remember this? “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men to Me.” True Advertising…Here Are the Facts: When this lost and decaying world sees that we love when we are hated, and that we return good for evil, then they will surely know, as we speak boldly for Jesus Christ, that He has the Power to Change Hearts and Lives! Believer, because of your truthful advertising, the sinner will know that you are acquainted with the ONE who has the kind of Power that they need to live a life that is pleasing to God! Please Dear Lord, let our advertising be true and effective! TO GOD BE THE GLORY! Stay Strong, Stay Focused… Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!
Eyes on Jesus
March 19 Eyes on Jesus Ephesians 1:18
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “May He enlighten the eyes of your mind so that you can see what hope His call holds for you.” (Ephesians 1:18)
WWJD…Do you remember the bracelets that were popular a few years ago? WWJD… “What Would Jesus Do?” We are told and I continue to preach, that we are to be like Jesus. What does it mean to be “like Jesus?” Think about it…This old world has never known a man like Jesus. His heart was pure, and his lifestyle and character were without fault or blemish. He was in tune with the Father, and He heard every whisper of the Father God. Jesus brought to mankind His mercy, that was powerfully capable of forgiving our sins. He reached out to great and small, and He was engaged in the lives of those who were in need. This man called Jesus, endured the suffering and shame and pain and ridicule, yet He never quit, and He was determined to fulfill His mission for Humanity. Jesus is the ultimate model for humanity, and we are to embrace His mission, His Grace and His Mercy and emulate Him in every area of our lives! To Be Christ-Like, is to emulate Jesus Christ! We must focus on Jesus and, we must embrace His example for living and we must make Jesus the center of our existence! Christmas is a great time to reflect and inspect and adjust our priorities and become more “Christ-Like” in all that we do! We have the EXAMPLE, now let’s BE WHAT HE WANTS US TO BE! In His Love…Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE….
Laugh a Little…..
March 18 Laugh a Little….. Job 8:21
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy.” (Job 8:21)
Some of the best memories of my early years were sitting around the supper table and laughing with my parents. Daddy had a “dry and sharp wit,” and Mama was smart, yet gullible and witnessing the banter between them was always colorful and entertaining. Amazingly, without fail, I always felt better after supper, regardless of what we ate. As I grew older, I noticed that Mama always tried to see the “Bright Side” of every situation, easy or difficult. From 1960 until 1964, Mama had 5 major kidney surgeries, with the 5th one removing her right kidney. Now, picture this, it was 1964 and medical science was evolving yet was nothing like today. Mama came home with a drain tube coming from her right side and it was attached to a large glass jar. My first question to Mama was, “What is that?” She could see the fear in my young eyes, and she answered my question with a “Funny” that would calm my fears. A few weeks before her surgery, we had a new septic tank installed and the man that installed it was patient and kind, with this inquisitive young kid, as he explained every aspect of the installation and the need for the new septic tank. So, Mama said to me, “Baby, this is my new septic tank!” She laughed, I laughed and when Daddy got home, he laughed. I learned that laughter will not stop calamities or disease or tensions or distresses, however, laughter acts as a strong medicine, soothing difficult times and brightening up the dreariness of our daily grind. Laughter builds inner strength and fortifies us as we deal with life’s challenges. Amid this challenging environment and during the confusion of what is real and what is fake and what is true and what is false, I pray that God will allow us to stop and re-focus and re-tool, so that we can smile in the midst of the chaos and confusion and, simply, let ourselves laugh a little! A couple of years ago, I fell and hurt my back. I was carrying a jar of water in my hand, and when I recovered from my acrobatic contortions, I discovered that I had not spilled the water, nor had I broken the jar. I was in constant pain for 12 days and I was unable to rest in bed, so I attempted sleep in my recliner. I thought about my first thought and laughed…I wasn’t upset about the fall; I was amazed that I held the jar! It does not take a lot to see the negative and the controversial issues of the day, however, it requires the Grace of God to believe that He has this situation and with the God Given Common Sense, and with Obedience to His Call, we will overcome and do it with a smile on our faces and a chuckle in our souls. Recently, I was asked how I could be so casual about all that is going on in the world. My answer was simple and direct… “I do not know exactly where this is going and I do not know how it will change our daily lives and I do not know the struggles and distress that we will face, however, what I do know is this: I AM THE SON OF THE KING, WHO IS NOT MOVED BY THE WORLD. FOR MY GOD IS WITH ME AND GOES BEFORE ME AND HE HAS ME SECURELY IN HIS GRIP. I DO NOT FEAR BECAUSE I AM HIS!” I am not angry, nor am I dismayed, nor am I sad…I choose to claim His Promises of Victory and to live my short time here, with a song in my heart, laughter on my lips and joy unspeakable and covered in His Glory! Be grumpy, hateful, angry, and argumentative if you will, however, I refuse to do it! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!
P.S. If you need a laugh, think about this old man doing the “hucklebuck” while falling and attempting to keep the water in the jar and the jar from dropping and breaking. It was kinda funny!! (Re-Posting)
HIS Love…
March 17 HIS Love… Romans 5:8
**THANK -YOU to the BTC Family for the Privilege to be away this past weekend! Annette & I enjoyed our time together and look forward to our next adventure! A Special Thank -You to Clint Andrews, Glenn Horton & Jimmy Faison! **
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)
There are days when I am amazed that God loves humanity! The things that are occurring and the challenges that exist, even among professing believers, it is amazing that He still loves us! When I think about the “width and length and depth and the height” of His love for mankind, I am so grateful! Unfortunately, there are many that have a “Superficial” expression of Love, and there is no depth or conviction or truth in their expression of that love. Think about it… Think of the Love that was demonstrated towards us, when Jesus went to the Cross to sacrifice Himself for our Salvation and our Restoration of Relationship, with the Father! Friends, when we are participants in that kind of love, then our expressions of His Love should be truthful and authentic and eternal! God demonstrated His Amazing and Abundant and Extravagant Love for us when He sent Jesus to the Cross, for our sins! I am so thankful for this Love and the fact that I am under this Love, every single day of my life! When I think about, and embrace His Perfect Love, it makes it so much easier to Love others! Because of the amazing example of Love that was demonstrated on the Cross, may I express that same Love to my neighbors! I want to be real, authentic, and determined, as I share the Love of God with others! Focus on His Love and pass it on! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!
“God’s Power for Living”
March 15 “God’s Power for Living” Romans 12:2
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” (Romans 12:2)
Yesterday was another day that tested my resolve and tried my level of patience with my fellowman! In the middle of this encounter, I stopped and remembered that we were told that there would be “days like this,” and that we, the followers of Christ, are overcomers, because HE is the ultimate “Overcomer!” Amazingly, the individuals in question that were creating the situation were unaware of the real blessing of time! You see, had this occurred a few years ago, there would have been a much different outcome! Thanks be to God for His Grace and His Power and His Love! I spoke with kindness, and I said, “I am sorry that you feel this way! I pray that you will see the error of your ways and come to Jesus before it is too late!” The ringleader continued to repeat their “Political Dripple,” all because I said, “May God Bless You!” I turned towards my vehicle, and the individual continued to shout his dribble towards me, and all that were gathered around the parking lot, and I began to say my “VICTORY PRINCIPLE” statement, and I spoke it, out loud, repeatedly! “I affirm that God’s Power is rising in me, Renewing and Healing my Body, Bringing Power to my Mind, Giving me Success in my calling. I affirm Health, Energy, Enthusiasm, the Joy of Life! All of this I owe to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior! He has given me the VICTORY PRINCIPLE for which I THANK HIM every day!!” As I entered my vehicle, I spoke with confidence, for the entire group to hear… “NOT TODAY SATAN, NOT TODAY!!” Friends, challenges will come! We must be ready to deal with the EVIL that exists among us! Please be ready! Armor up, Stay Read up, Stay Prayed up and continue to “LOOK UP!” TO GOD BE THE GLORY! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!
Worship in Spirit & Truth
March 13 Worship in Spirit & Truth John 4:24
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in SPIRIT & TRUTH.” (John 4:24)
Jesus was in a discussion with the Samaritan woman, and she realized that Jesus was a prophet, and she pointed out the issues related to the Jews and the Samaritans. The Jews worshipped in Jerusalem and the Samaritans worshipped on Mount Gerizim, in their own Temple, and that the Samaritans did not have the same access to worship God. Jesus told this woman that there was coming a day when all peoples could worship the Father anywhere and everywhere, as long, as they worshipped Him in “Spirit & Truth!” Folks, God could care less about a person’s heritage, color, gender, or race or your political opinion! He expects worship and He expects us to be obedient to His call. He knows our motives for worship, and He knows our motives for going to worship. Do we worship out of a sense of Duty or Joy? What God requires and what God expects, in our worship, is a heart that is fully and completely devoted to Him!! As long, as God tarries, and as long, as the opportunity exists for corporate worship, may we remain faithful in our prayer life and may we continue to ask God for His guidance and for His Spirit to direct our worship! We MUST worship God with an OPEN HEART and a SENSE of EXPECTATION. Jesus puts it this way… ““God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in SPIRIT & TRUTH.” Does that include you? Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!