October 1 Duty of a FOLLOWER of CHRIST 1 Corinthians 15:58
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” (1 Corinthians 15:58)
What if I told you that I am for abortion, on demand, at any point in the pregnancy, even after birth, and what if I told you that I am in favor of taking resources from you, and others, and giving those resources to help others, that, for whatever reason, could be racism or privilege on social inequities, and what if I told you that I support an “Anti-American” agenda, which includes the elimination of “Free Enterprise” and is replaced by government controls on every aspect of our lives, and what if I said that we should rethink the need for police, the need for churches, the need for free thought and, what if I said that, if you disagree with me, and those that think my way, that you are a racist and a traitor to truth, and what if I told you that I think that we should be responsible for all of the errors and mistakes and tragedies of the past and that we should take responsibility for those acts and compensate everyone for those errors, and what if I told you that I fully supported the confiscation of all guns, both small and large, pistol or long guns, and what if I told you that I support doing away with all fossil fuels, and I support raising taxes, in order to fund the conversion to Green Fuels, and what if I publicly denounced the Traditional American Values and embraced the godless Socialists ideals and programs, and what if I thought that only certain lives matter and I was willing for some to be sacrificed for the greater good, and what if I embraced, without saying openly, an Anti-God, Anti-Christian, Anti-Jewish philosophy and did everything possible to promote this idea and what if I told you that I was your New Pastor, would you support me? Would you be willing to express, publicly, your unbridled support and encourage me to press forward, or would you be concerned about what I believe and have a problem with what I say that I am, yet believe that which is absolutely opposed to my calling? Our actions and our beliefs must match! How can anyone profess, or support organizations that are absolutely opposed to Christian thoughts and the Holy Scriptures? Professing to be a Born Again Follower of Christ, and, at the same time, support an organization, political party, social organization, or any other group, that openly, is at odds with your stated commitment to Christ, is, according to the Scriptures, UNSTABLE! Folks, we are either surrendered to God or we ARE NOT! We cannot separate ourselves, into two distinct belief systems that are opposed to each other. As BELIEVERS, Habits of Old, Family Traditions, Earthly Political Traditions have no place in our lives when they are in conflict with our stated commitment to serve God and to be obedient to HIS WORD! Although, we live in this world, as followers of Christ, we are not to be OF THIS WORLD! Under the Redeeming Blood of Jesus, our Number One responsibility is to SHARE THE GOOD NEWS OF JESUS, LIVE SO THAT OTHERS CAN SEE JESUS IN US AND TO CONSTANTLY LOOK FOR HIS GLORIOUS APPEARING, EVERY SINGLE DAY! Friends, please know that I am fully aware of what is happening in this world and I recognize the moving of God, in this world, yet, I am looking forward to His Coming and I claim VICTORY over this craziness by doing what He has called me to do, and recognize what I can change and, simply put, leave alone, that which I cannot change! God’s Word says it best, “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” What God does with you is up to you! It always has and it always will! Remember, THIS WORLD IS NOT YOUR HOME, YOU ARE JUST PASSING THROUGH! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!