October 13 Consider the Cost James 4:4
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” (James 4:4)
This Coronavirus Pandemic has cost so, so much! Who would have believed that we would experience the chaos and personal upheaval in our daily lives? The COVID19, coupled with one of the most contentious and “Hate” driven elections, in my lifetime, have brought to light the “True” nature of so many! During this time, I have attempted to present the Gospel, to encourage our personal growth, to direct our focus on Jesus, and to be fully aware of our limited time, here on earth. Amazingly, I have witnessed a level of “Hated” (EVIL) on a scale that, prior to March 2020, I would not have believed possible! I have seen, what I thought, were dedicated, hardworking believers, abandon the guidance of God and display attitudes and behaviors that are not, and never will be edifying to the Body of Christ! So, it begs the question…At what cost are we willing to allow the Satanic influences to dictate our actions, our thoughts, our attitudes? At what cost are we willing to “Draw a line in the Sand” and take a stand, not for God, but earthly temporal attitudes and politics? Let me interject here; what you see on TV, what you read in a paper is representative of the Satan Driven Earthly Evil that has swept over our land. Look around at the folks that are spreading these Satanic lies, do you want to be named among them? Listen, left or right, up or down, leftist or conservative, red or blue, or any other set of issues, WILL NOT DETERMINE YOUR SUCCESS, YOUR SURVIVAL, YOUR DEDICATION!! Our HOPE is BUILT on nothing less, than JESUS LOVE AND RIGHTEOUSNESS! I shared this fact with a dear friend and the response was so sad! “Yeah, but you don’t understand! If we don’t stop this right now, we will not be able to later!” Sadly, not one word of “FAITH,” not one word of “HOPE,” not one word of a GODLY calling and an AWARENESS of our “REAL” mission! I have been told that I have “Stuck my head in the Sand” and that I am living in a “Fantasyland.” Well, if that means that I am not consumed by the “Hatred,” the chaos, the insanity of the Satan Driven Emotions, the Evil that has a name and a face, and the temporal earthly view of life, then, PRAISE GOD, my head IS in the SAND!!!” Remember, I am fully aware of the issues of the day; I am clearly aware of the stakes in the 2020 election; I am painfully aware of the implications that could be a reality! I am concerned that professing Christians can support anyone, any group, any organization that supports abortions on demand, up to and including the destruction of a baby (Infanticide), directly after birth. I am concerned that professing Christians allow the “Earthly, Political” issues to override our mission, our purpose, our calling and seemingly to forget the Shed Blood of Jesus! Folks, WE ARE TO BE EXAMPLES, WE ARE TO SHARE JESUS AND WE ARE TO “LOOK” FOR HIS APPEARING! YES, YES, YES, WE LIVE IN THIS WORLD, BUT WE ARE NOT OF THIS WORLD! Please remember, THIS WORLD IS NOT OUR HOME, WE ARE JUST PASSING THROUGH! So, I ask this question once again; AT WHAT COST ARE YOU WILLING TO IGNORE, REJECT AND DENY THE SELFLESS ACT AT CALVARY AND ABANDON YOUR DEDICATION TO GOD IN ORDER TO SATISFY SOME WORLDLY AND TEMPORARY SITUATION? WHEN WE ASK JESUS TO FORGIVE OUR SINS AND ASK HIM TO SAVE US, WE HAVE AN OBLIGATION, A RESPONSIBILITY, A CALLING! Consider the cost, is it worth it? Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!