October 25 I Am, I Can, I Will Claim HIS Victory! Jeremiah 29:11-13
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina…“ For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:11-13)
In this beautiful, promise filled passage, the Lord God was referring to the children of Israel, they had been wondering in the desert for 40 years (because of their disobedience), on the way to the promise land. What God was saying to them was, I have something better for you, aren’t you getting tired of the same old thing! Haven’t you been walking around this wilderness long enough! Don’t you want to experience the change in scenery that I have in store for you, the Promised Land that’s been waiting for you all this time? You’ve circled this mountain long enough! Can you imagine, wondering around in circles, in the desert for 40 years? As hard as it is to have imagined that happening, it really did happen! You see, they never sought the change that was necessary for them to experience all that God had in store for them. Instead of I am, I can, I will, it was more like I’m not, I can’t, I won’t. Sad thing is, there are still folks today, just like the children of Israel were, Reluctant to make a change in the course of their lives, to experience all of the blessings God has in store for them, Blessings so close, that they could throw a stone and hit them!
Like a pot of Mama’s Homemade Soup, they could smell it, but not taste it. The word of the Lord said: you’ve been in this place long enough. God said it then, and it still holds true today, it’s time to change your circumstances! You can you know, because Gods word says it’s possible. It’s time to set a new course, a new plan of action; it’s time to realize that a change is “going to do you good!” Do we need a victory today, in our; finances, health, family, attitude, personal life?
Jesus is ready to deliver whatever you have need of this morning, because He has already been victorious, over every situation you have encountered, or will ever encounter! You see, He already took care of it, at the Cross of Calvary. Praise God Almighty!! There is nothing, I repeat, nothing, that can stand up to what He did, when He died on the Cross, for each and every one of us! Is there anybody ready for a change in their life this morning? Is anyone ready to stand up and proclaim, I Am, I Can, I Will? I Am, ready to make the changes necessary in my life, that the Lord wants me to, So that I can walk in and enjoy the abundant life and good things, He has promised me. I Can, claim His provision and power over my living. I Can accept HIS Grace and live according to His will! Here is the “Toughie!” I Will claim His Victory and I Will walk in Obedience and I Will stand on His Promises and I Will stay true to HIS Calling and I Will reject this world and all of its negative influences and I Will live for Jesus! I have been teaching, proclaiming, asking for True Born Again Believers to reject the Worldly Influences and take a BOLD STAND for CHRIST in the midst of the chaos and evil that exists in the ugly world. We CANNOT SERVE TWO MASTERS!! This world will lead to destruction and damnation! Our God and His Love for us, through Jesus, will lead to “JOY UNSPEAKABLE AND FULL OF GLORY!” Will you proclaim to this EVIL WORLD…I AM, I CAN AND I WILL SERVE MY GOD AND LIVE ACCORDING TO HIS WORD? I am resolved, no longer to linger, charmed by the worlds delights, things that are nobler, things that are higher, THEY have allured my sight! AMEN…Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!