November 14 Really? Are You Kidding? 1 Timothy 4:1-3
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.” (1 Timothy 4:1-3)
Seducing Spirits? Hypocrisy? Lies? Revising History to match some agenda? Removing Statues because they are offensive to someone? Attacks on the VERY FOUNDATIONS of our Lives? We have, every one of us, become accustomed to this crazy, insane and evil actions of an EVIL, Satan Led Society, however, there will always be one thing, one event, one remarkably insane action that will push you to SHOUT to the ROOFTOP…ENOUGH!!! I realize that we are living in the middle of God’s plan for humanity and that everything is going to happen the way in which God has ultimately planned, however, as we go through this, there will always be something so stupid, so unbelievable that it defies COMMON SENSE! Well, SHOUTING TO THE ROOFTOP MOMENT CAME YESTERDAY, FOR ME! Kayla sent a link for me to view, and the article made me sick. Politically correct garbage, the Forcing of ridiculous thought onto everyday hard-working Americans, and the expectation that we are going to simply “Cave” into their thoughts and demands, has reached a tipping point, with me! The article was all about “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer!” Do you remember watching this classic, when you were growing up? Burl Ives, as the Snowman (Narrator) and all of the characters that make up this wonderful story? Well, guess what? This classic is a danger to your children (at least, to, so called, Activists)! There is a push to have “Rudolph” pulled from the TV Programing because, among other things, it celebrates “Bullies!” Rudolph, is apparently, bullied by everyone, because he is different. Now, his friend, Hermey , is supposed to make toys for good little boys and girls, yet, he really wants to be a Dentist. According to this article, Hermey is obsessed with teeth and has a sinister personality. Ready? How about Clarice? You remember the pretty young reindeer that Rudolph is attracted to? The Politically Correct Activists are critical of this character because she is portrayed as feminine and pretty, without focusing on her personality and her real self. Why am I telling this? How long will it be that the Story of Jesus will be so offensive to these Activists, that the every reason for Christmas celebrations will be cancelled? I truly realize that this EVIL, ANTI-GOD thought is quickly becoming widespread among this nation. Isn’t it amazing that I watched “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” every Christmas season and never felt the need to “Bully” anyone, nor did I feel a sense of “offense” because of the behavior of the characters. As I think back on this story, the one thing that I took away from it, is the fact that the “Misfit Toys,” were included and embraced, as Santa shared them with children, around the land. Listen, these, so called, Activists are not trying to reach an old codger like me, they are after the young. When our little Ava heard about this, she said, “WHY?” “Papa, what is wrong with these people?” The answer is simple, yet profound! SIN! So, with this small example of the push to “Rewrite” our way of life, what are we to do, as Followers of Christ? We are to fortify for the battle, we are to put on the WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD and be prepared to fight! Believer, it is time that we retire the “Spiritual” Party Boat and take on the “Spiritual” Battleship! Stand up Believer, and be counted! I am fully aware of the circumstances of this world and I am painfully aware of where we are headed, however, I am going to be active in sharing Jesus with as many as I possibly can and stop the slide to Hell of as many as possible! How about you? This silly and unbelievable article, simply, lit my spiritual fire! Please realize that we are in a Battle for the very Souls of our neighbors! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…God has provided the Equipment, it is up to you to employ it! I encourage you to go to the article link and read the “in my opinion, Trash,” that it holds. ( ) Remember this Fact---“When the Battle is over, WE SHALL WEAR A CROWN!” PRAISE GOD, THE BEST IS ABSOLUTELY YET TO BE!