November 21 You Can Count On It! John 1:17
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.”
As I reflect on the Great Men of History, My Jesus Stands Alone! Granted, many men, down through History, have done some great things, even some have been labeled “Great,” however, every one of these men have had a “Dark” side! Even though, these men of History have done great things, Jesus Christ has brought to us Grace and Truth…Grace and Truth that transcends generations and human endeavors and our perceptions of “Great!” Today, we are in the midst of an unprecedented time, with political upheaval and social unrest and violent displays of intolerance and hatred and some believe that a man, any man, can be “Great” enough to provide the way to calm and peace and the absence of Hatred! Unfortunately, they are so very wrong! The only One that can change the circumstances, change the “Hearts of Humanity,” is Jesus Christ! If you are counting on Joe Biden to be the savior, if you are counting on Donald Trump to be the savior, you are wrong on both counts. Human preferences, YES! Eternal and Divine, lasting consequences, NO! As Followers of Christ, we have an obligation to be like Christ, think like Christ, live like Christ! This world is going to continue until JESUS returns, in all of HIS GLORY and we need to recognize our place, our duty and our responsibilities! We must embrace the fact that the name of Jesus stands alone in its prominence and position because HE is the ONE who brought us GRACE and TRUTH. What God does with you is up to you! It always has, and it always will! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST, FOR THE BELIEVER, IS REALLY AND TRULY YET TO BE!