December 1 The Best Medicine Proverbs 17:22
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” (Psalm 17:22)
With rare exceptions, when I was growing up, there was always laughter and humor in our home. Daddy’s dry wit and Mama’s naïve nature, combined to make for some “Chuckle Filled” times. Now, I am not saying that all was a “Rose Garden,” we had our moments, yet, most of the time, our home was a “fun” place. That might explain why the neighborhood kids congregated at my house. I suspect that Mama’s Bread Pudding and Homemade cookies had nothing to do with it! Daddy and Mama are gone on to Glory, however, they left for me the best medicine that can be had: Laughter! I try to see the humor in everything that I encounter. The by-product of this is the fact that I attempt to see the Good in every situation. Many years ago, we were preparing to go to a very nice restaurant that Mama had wanted to go to, for a long time. It was the occasion of her birthday and Daddy and I decided to bring her there and to “Take Her Out On The Town!” She spent 2 hours at the Beauty Shop, rushed home to dress and, as she would say, “Put on her face!” So, finally she was ready and we stepped out the door and then it happened, Mama fell out of the door and went to the ground below. Her dress was soiled, her hose were torn and her arm was scuffed, she began to cry. Daddy and I immediately went into our “Chivalry” mode and went to help her up. Trying to say something that would help, something that would be positive, I lifted one side as Daddy was on the other side, and I said, “Mama, at least you didn’t mess up your hair!” Oh Boy! I was the recipient of one of her “Mother” looks. “Thank you for that pearl of an observation,” she finally said! So, she went back in, redressed, new hose and away we went. We arrived at the restaurant and were seated in a beautiful little area that overlooked the stream that flowed past the restaurant. Everything was great! The food was excellent! The service was amazing! Then it happened! The waiter was returning to the table to refill our glasses, when he tripped over a tray left there by one of his coworkers and he spilled an entire pitcher of sweet tea on Mama’s head! This poor waiter knew that his evening had taken a bad turn. The entire restaurant was waiting for Mama’s response (that included me). She started to laugh and I had wanted to laugh from the first drop that fell, however inappropriate, within a short period of time, entire area was roaring with laughter! Mama looked at me and Daddy and said, “If you all didn’t want to come here, why didn’t you just tell me?” We really did howl then. The waiter, his name was Billy, was being scolded by the Manager, right there in front of the entire area. My Mother got up from her chair, with tea still dripping from her hair, clothes and her upper body, walked over to the waiter and hugged him. She then told the manager that it was an accident and that she was sure that he had made one or two in his experience. Billy was dumbfounded, the Manager was humbled and I was proud! You see, Mama had always attempted to help me see the “Bright Side!” As I watched this entire unbelievable scenario unfold, I saw my Mama’s words become real. Now, I am not telling you that she didn’t have challenges and moments that did not involve “Merry” thoughts, however, the foundation of her life was built on seeing the Good in Everyone! Mama always told me that laughter was the best medicine and she lived it out before me. She didn’t leave it there, as she continued to teach me that through the Shed Blood of Jesus, we have power to see the Good, to embrace the challenges and to know that we have Victory! “Everything is going to be alright!” One of Mama’s Favorite statements! Please do not let circumstances steal your joy or “dampen” your witness! COVID19, Politics, Civil Unrest are not going to alter my daily dose of “Merry” based medicine for my soul! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…The Best is Yet to Be!