November 3 “Election… or CHOICES” Joshua 24:15
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” (Joshua 24:15)
**Personal Observations : Over the last 2 days, controversial flags flying at an Early Voting Place that speaks of the attitude of the local city council, which are intimating to some, were ignored…A March for Voter Rights, happened and the stated reason was to promote Voter Rights and to highlight Voter Suppression and Voter Intimidation. Within the cities of America, businesses and even public buildings are being “Boarded up,” so that the businesses will not be damaged by Protesters and Rioters and “Hate” driven individuals that may not get their way! Sadly, this is where we are in 2020. This is a glaring example of Hate and Prejudice and the lack of Moral Clarity! Regardless of your designated party affiliation, please look at what each party stands for and vote with the clarity of common sense and the awareness of what it means to the CAUSE OF CHRIST! Anti-American, Anti-Law and Order, the Killing of Babies, Infanticide, Chaos and Destruction of Public and Private Property without any consequences, is NOT PROMOTING THE GOOD NEWS OF JESUS CHRIST! Remember…A cat can have a litter of kittens in the oven; however, it does not make them biscuits!! If you are a professing Christian, then I ask you to vote with a clear understanding of the consequences of your vote. What do you stand for? Christ or Chaos? Democrat or Republican, does not matter! Choose today who you will serve! I know that some may be offended by these words, however, if offense occurs, that is an indication that some “on my knees” prayer time is needed. Nothing, I MEAN, Nothing should take priority over your commitment to Christ and the Sharing of the Good News!
Today is Election Day in the United States of America! I have always been interested in politics and the dynamics of political life. I have been voting for the past 46 years, however, this election, as one candidate said, “Is for the Heart and Soul of America.” Keep in mind that I am commenting from the perspective of a “Born Again” Follower of Christ! The Constitution of the United States is a document that has flexed with the “Changing Environment” of Modern Life, yet, has remained the Foundation on which we have created the Greatest Nation in the History of Mankind. Regardless of what you may hear from “Historical Revisionists,” America was founded as a Christian Nation by Men of Faith! After many years of constant assaults upon the very fabric of our Republic, we have arrived at Election Day 2020. Folks, we have a clear choice! Envision, if you will, constant unrest and destructive riots in the streets of America. Envision “Emotions” dictating our Laws, verses, the “Rule of Law! Imagine, if you will, the systematic, Government Sponsored, destruction of babies, up to and including after the actual birth. Envision an America that is directed by folks who are committed to the destruction and overthrow of our Democratic Republic. During this Election Cycle, I have been amazed at the “Polarity” of thought among professing believers. Individuals, that I respect greatly, have declared for one candidate, not because they have thought about what he stands for, but, because their granddaddy, daddy, mother voted a certain way and, regardless of basic common sense, and with a disregard for what that candidate represents, still votes for the systematic destruction of our way of life. How can this possibly be? I have committed this question to much prayer and, I believe that, through “Traditions,” and “Personal Bias,” there is justification for voting to “Dismantle” the very foundations of our Nation. Just a few years ago, a popular candidate pledges to “Fundamentally Transform America,” and it is occurring, and not for the Good! I am asking you to look at the present situation, not through the eyes of a lifelong particular party member, but as a true Follower of Jesus Christ! Would Christ be honored when I vote for the destruction of babies or the destruction of our basic “Rule of Law” foundations, or the “Transforming our History to reflect the Emotions of today?” Some will interpret this message as one way and others their way, however, I am asking you to view the Politics of the Day’ with your Faith in God and the fact that, you are a “BORN-AGAIN FOLLOWER OF CHRIST!!” Listen, WE CANNOT SEPARATE OUR CHRISTIAN FAITH AND PRACTICES, FROM OUR POLITICAL BELIEFS! Sadly, many of us are living a “Compartmentalized” life, where we are different at church, and different at work, and different in the polling places. The scriptures clearly tell us that this behavior does not bring Honor and Glory to our God! As a Professing Follower of Christ, I encourage you to see life through the “Eyes of God’s Word,” and do not let Traditions or Habits dictate your “CONSTANT AND UNWAVERING WITNESS FOR CHRIST, AND DO NOT BE SWAYED BY EARTHLY CORRUPTION AND ITS EVIL WAYS!! I “elect or choose” to be like Joshua…“But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” Regardless of the outcome of this election, I am going to continue to Serve God and I am going to Share the Good News with as many people as possible. Friends, this isn’t really about politics, this is about your True Commitment, your Loyalties and your Allegiance to the Principles of God! I don’t care what others may say, “but as for me and my house, WE ARE GOING TO SERVE THE LORD!” Please take inventory of your life and, if you profess Jesus as your Savior, then, choose this day who you are actually serving… Stay Strong, Stay Focused… Regardless of the outcome of this election…THE BEST, FOR THE FOLLOWER OF CHRIST, IS YET TO BE!!