November 6 Power, Love and a Sound Mind 2 Timothy 1:7
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7)
As Paul is reaching the end of his earthly ministry, and being fully aware of the approaching conclusion of his life, he is writing to his son, in the ministry, to encourage him to continue on and to be faithful and to continue to “fight the good fight!” As I am writing these words, I am surrounded by the fact that, the America that I grew up in, is about to be “Radically” and “Forever” changed. This is not negative or political, this is fact! More than half, of the population, of this great land, are in agreement to dismantle the very foundational structure on which this great Republic was built. The Rule of Law is being replaced with “Emotion” driven chaos. Radical, Non-Believing Activists and “Community Organizers,” are taking over and attempting to erase or destroy the “History” of our Country. How has this happened? What are we to do? We, meaning, Forgiven, Followers of Christ! God’s word clearly tells us of the apostasy and evil that is to come. My Ava, will never know the America that I grew up loving. Sadly, professing believers; that say that they follow Christ and support the systematic destruction of our Country, as “Double Minded,” and they are “Unstable” in all of their dealings! Whether Hatred, Prejudice, Ignorance, Habit, or any other excuse, that causes us to turn from the true nature and message of Christ, is not right! If we are, TRULY, under the Blood of Christ, and we are “Claiming” this truth, then our lives, our attitude, our politics, our very existence should reflect this truth! Under the Blood of Jesus, we have been set apart, we have been empowered, we have been called to minister and to represent the Message of the Good News to this Evil and LOST WORLD!! We have not been given a spirit of fear, timidity or cowardliness. Praise God, WE HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD!!! Through the Holy Spirit, we have the POWER TO OVERCOME AND TO SERVE! The Holy Spirit gives us Power to Witness and to, Serve with BOLDNESS in the face of Worldly and Satanic Evil! I am witnessing the growing animosity for the church and for all things of God, in this present society. This political cycle has revealed the motivations of many. How, I repeat, How does a professing believer support a party, an individual, that publically supports chaos, anarchy, rioting, destruction and the “Cleansing and Revising” history and the systematic, government sponsored destruction of unborn children, and, with any degree of expectation, call on God to support this kind of behavior? As the days roll on, I am more and more convinced, that the scripture lesson of the “Wheat and the Tares,” is absolutely true and it is time for “TRUE” Believers to step up our game! Be Encouraged, Be Strong, Be Dedicated! This World is NOT going to change! Evil and its influence is saturating the land, however, as a TRUE BELIEVER and FOLLOWER OF CHRIST, the world’s activities are, but a temporary irritation! Our concentration, our job, our calling must be to Follow Christ and to Live Above the “JUNK” and “EVIL” and “COMMON SENSE DEFYING ACTIONS AND THOUGHTS.” Hang on Believers! Fortify your resolve, focus on your mission, cling to His promises; make preparations for the battle, and cover yourself in the “Armor of God!” The battle between “Good” and “Evil” is afoot and, whether you recognize it or not, reality is what it is! So, we MUST embrace the HOLY SPIRIT, WALK IN HIS PROTECTION; POWER AND DIRECTION, with the Clear understanding that we are in a battle and there are “Wolves in sheep’s clothing,” that we will encounter, as we go about sharing Jesus with this depraved and Satanic World. DO NOT BE FEARFUL…DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED…DO NOT ALLOW THE TEMPORAL NEGATIVE OF THIS WORLD TO KEEP YOU FROM SERVING OUR GOD! Through the Holy Spirit, we are empowered to walk and live in “power and of love and of a sound mind.” I am fully aware, that in the days, weeks and months to come, that the public worship of God, will become more difficult and less accepted, in the transitioning environment that we find ourselves experiencing in 2020. Be of Good Cheer…HE HAS OVERCOME THIS EVIL WORLD AND WE ARE OVERCOMERS THROUGH THE SHED BLOOD OF JESUS! Please claim the Power and Promises of the HOLY SPIRIT and pledge to make a difference right where you are! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…Regardless of the Hatred, Confusion, Chaos, Anarchy and Violence, for the TRUE FOLLOWER OF CHRIST…THE BEST IS YET TO BE! I CLAIM IT, I BELIEVE IT AND I AM EXCITED THAT THIS WORLD IS NOT MY HOME, I AM JUST PASSING THROUGH! Praise God, WE ARE ONE DAY CLOSER TO THE RAPTURE! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST, FOR THE BELIEVER, IS YET TO BE!