December 6 Facts or Fears 2 Timothy 1:7
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7)
Have your feelings ever conflicted with the expected pattern of behavior that others impose on you? Christmas is supposed to be a time of joy and child-like anticipation and “Peace on Earth, Good Will, Towards Men,” however, it appears that another attitude has gripped the land. Grumpy, Grinch-like attitudes have become the rule, versus the exception! Recently, some dear folks have shared their fears, frustrations, and feelings, and they are not of “Good Cheer!” How can we deal with exceptions of “Hallmark-like” attitudes and behaviors, when reality is anything but? Truthfully, I have experienced this same conflict. How can I battle, what might be called, a Christmas depression? Well, what works for me is to be proactive and to include the message of Christ in my daily life. Getting back to the basics, has worked for me, every time. What does Christmas mean to a Follower of Christ? It should be the Birth of Jesus, our Savior! Getting back to the basics, for me, is to read the story of Jesus’ birth, every single day! Staying focused on the event, the message, and the gift, causes me to remain focused on the real and noble and the blessings of Christmas! Amazingly, this simple story helps me to focus an attitude of love for others, regardless of their “Grumpy” behavior. When I read Matthew and Luke, it reminds me of my priorities and it reminds me of my duty. When I find myself being driven by the “I HAVE GOT TO GET THIS DONE” mentality, I just read the story of HIS BIRTH, and I come back to reality! To repeat an old adage, REMEMBER THE REASON FOR THE SEASON! Please do not allow expectations of the world and the behaviors of others to dampen your spirits. John 3:16 is the real message of Christmas! God’s Love, His Son’s Mission, Our Salvation, His Power for Living! Focus on His Mission and have a Merry, God Centered Christmas time! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!