1 Thessalonians 5:11 (Read 1-11), “ Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”
God said, in His word, that we are to love one another. Loving each other includes encountering one another. In Romans 12:7-8, the Apostle Paul lists encouragement among the gifts of grace. When we accomplish a common objective together, we are all encouraged. One of the tasks that we, as believers, should be actively engaged in, is encouraging one another to “grow in the Grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Thessalonian Christians were faced with uncertainty about the future and they faced multiple struggles. Paul wrote to provide encouragement for them, always reminding them of their faith and love and hope in Christ, our Lord. With these assurances, they could keep encouraging one another and building each other up. Today, the gift of encouragement is so important in our lives. During these difficult times, we can reach out to our friends, neighbors and our fellow believers and remind them of God's grace and His love for us. I encourage all of us to take time to share a phone call, a text message, an encouragement card or a Facebook encountering to those within your influence. As the circumstances change daily, the uncertainty and anxiety can build to the point where we begin to feel isolated and alone. When was the last time you encouraged someone? It’s not difficult! That person that you encourage will be blessed and maybe they will, in turn, encourage someone else. Something that I heard yesterday, from our National leaders, “we are all in this together,” and this is absolutely true! May God place on our hearts, that person that truly needs our encouragement and may He allow the gift of encouragement to be fully engaged in our lives. Regardless of what you hear from media sources, God is still in control and HE HAS GOT THIS! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!
Dear Lord, help me to recognize and reach out to that one who needs an encouraging word today. Father God, allow the gift of encouragement to be present in my life and may I be a blessing to someone as You bless me! In Jesus’ Name…Amen