April 15 “When
You Think, You Will Be Thankful”
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina…
Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; Ephesians 5:20 KJV In Cambridge England, in the historic “St. Mary’s Church,” these words are embroidered on a hassock: “THINK-THANK.” If we all stopped to think what God has done for us, we all would be more thankful. One of Satan’s biggest jobs today is getting people not to think on what God has done for them. For if every person were to think on what God has done for him and what Satan has done for him, he would be a fool not to turn to Christ. God loves us enough that He was willing to sacrifice His Only SON, on the Cross of Calvary, to save our souls. That fact alone; should create so much Gratitude in us that Satan would not even have a place in our lives. Sadly, even though it is a fact, many refuse to acknowledge His Gift, His Mercy, His Grace, His Love!
Let’s not send up an empty basket as told of in the legend of the two angels who were given the chore of dealing with man. One angel was to let his basket down from Heaven to Earth and bring up the petitions of men. The other was assigned to let his basket down and bring up the prayers of thanksgiving. After a period of time the angel with the basket of petitions had such a load he could hardly get them up. The other angel did not have much more than the weight of the basket. Sad, isn’t it? A dear family friend, that I called, “Ma” Capps, said something about her family that I think is so appropriate, when she said, “I Don’t mind sacrificing myself for my family. What aggravates me is ‘havin em’ act like it was just my duty and nothing to take any special notice of.” Every one of us, have experienced these same feelings. An old Native American was asked what, did he learn, from modern civilization. He replied, “Ingratitude!” All present day blessings and future blessings are from the Lord. Whether you are a Christian or an Unsaved Sinner, you enjoy His physical blessings. Because of God’s love for us and His willingness to present Jesus to take upon himself, the sins of the world and to suffer, to be beaten, crucified and die, then, to be resurrected; we have this blessing, this opportunity to be forgiven and to live with God the Father and Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit forever in Heaven. Christ has Spiritual blessings that come only in knowing Him in a personal relationship. So, do we have anything to be grateful about? Are we demonstrating to this world our thankfulness to God for Jesus? Please Lord; never let the word of that old Indian, to be true of us. When we think about our blessings, we have got to be thankful! When we look at our surroundings, we have to be thankful. Regardless of the present challenges, we are a blessed people! BE GRATEFUL, BE COURAGEOUS, BE BLESSED AND SHARE IT! To God Be The Glory! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!