April 26, 2020 “Intercession” Romans 8:26
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina…
“Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groaning’s which cannot be uttered.” Romans 8:26
In the Autumn of 1999, I experienced a “Life Altering” situation. I developed a serious cough and finally went to see my family doctor. After a round of antibiotics, I still had the cough. So, I went back to the doctor. This is where the “Fun” begins. He prescribed another antibiotic and a steroid. All is well until I take the last steroid. The next morning, I awoke to a swollen face and a rash. Thinking that this was a bit unusual, I stopped by the Doctor’s office on the way to work. He said that it was definitely a reaction and to watch it and if it worsened, just call them. Things did, indeed, worsen and at 1:00pm, I began to have difficulty breathing, so I called the Doctor’s office and informed them that I was fully aware that they didn’t take walk-ins, but that they were going to take me! Long story very short…This wasn’t a mild reaction, this was a full blown anaphylaxis which turned into “Stephens Johnson Syndrome. By the time that I was seen by the Doctor, I was fading in and out of consciousness. Annette arrived and the Doctor told her that this could be life threatening and with the severity of the reaction, he simply did not know the outcome. She decided that if I was going to die, that I would die at home. They discussed a treatment plan, and she took me home. She gave me massive doses of steroids, Benadryl and an antihistamine. Bottom line: I went for 10 days and did not sleep! I mean, not even a nap! I got to the point that I could not keep a thought in my mind…I tried to pray and just couldn’t. Laying in my bed, looking up to God, all I could say was, “PLEASE LORD!” Obviously, I recovered. As I look back at this experience, I truly understand Romans 8:26; and I am grateful for a God that loves me and understands my human weaknesses and have provided the Blessed Holy Spirit to intercede for me, not because I am worthy, but because of the Grace of God through the shed blood of Jesus! Every one of us have been through struggles and we will experience struggles in the future, however, as a believer, save by Grace, we have a promise that He will sustain us and keep us! This pandemic, this Coronavirus, this “life altering” experience does not have the power to change His promises to us! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!