On May 12, 2020, our Leadership Team, after much discussion, established a 4 person planning team, to draft a plan to reopen church services, as soon as possible. The Sub-Team met and discussed methods, process and procedures to do a safe and efficient reopening. Unfortunately, what we knew as normal; doesn’t exist in the present moment, so we have to proceed, ensuring that we enact procedures that are going to minimize risks and to address the safety of all that are in attendance! Moving forward, we are aware of the desire to “get back to church,” and the push to make it happen. Using criteria from the Governor’s office, CDC and common sense, we are moving towards the goal of Re-Opening! Please be aware that, when we do get back, that things WILL NOT (and cannot) be the same as they were! The Sub-Team is working, with due diligence, to formulate plans that ensure, as best as possible, our physical safety and to create, as best as possible, an atmosphere of worship and praise. Please be in prayer for our Leaders as they prepare to resume limited church activities and the plans to continue to expand our opportunities for worship, as circumstances improve. The fact is; that we all want to be back in church and that is going to happen! So, please be patient and be aware that reopening is in the process of happening! When we do open, it is our desire that we open as close to normal, as possible! To God Be The Glory!
Leadership Sub-Team