June 18 “Let Us Grow….” III John 1:2
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” (III John 1:2)
On the morning of April 12, 1981, I preached this message to the congregation of the Sandy Bottom Baptist Church. I had spent days preparing for this message and for this opportunity to preach. Amazingly, as I was studying and preparing the words that I would say, I was so concerned about how I was going to do it and not concerned about what God would have me say. The preparation was difficult and I was making little progress. What was I to do? This had to get done and time was growing short. Just about the time that I was ready to “throw up my hands in frustration,” the phone rang. “Hello!” “Son, I have been praying for you and I just felt like I needed to talk to you.” “Thank you Mama, I am having a tough time preparing the sermon for April 1st.” Then Mama asked a question that struck me with revelation and it caused my mind to reset. She asked, “Did you start with prayer?” I had been so concerned with getting all of the words just right and trying to impress the folks with my skills that I had overlooked my true and intended purpose for the sermon. Mama went on to say that I needed to relax and allow the Holy Spirit to guide me. We said our “good-byes” and I was left, staring at a blank sheet of paper. So, I dropped to my knees and began to pray! Well, the message came to me and I began to actually prepare to preach. I realized that my “Attitude” was the key to fulfilling this scripture. He called us, “Beloved.” We are loved and we should act like it. God’s desire for us is to “Prosper!” Prosper, both physically and spiritually! As I was studying this word, I realized that God’s desire is for us to grow. Amazingly, I realized that He has already paid the price and prepared the way, so my prosperity, physically and spiritually, is on me. We limit our own prosperity through our own limitations that we place on God’s word in our lives! We are facing some “REAL” challenges today; but God tells us that He wants us to prosper, even thru the difficulties that we face. So, the key to our Spiritual prosperity is for us to “GROW!” We have to keep growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and when we are growing, he has promised that we will, indeed, prosper! Prayer, Bible Study, Witnessing are keys to our success! Now, do not forget ATTITUDE! If our health and prosperity were directly linked to spiritual growth, how many of us would attempt to be prosperous, one day a week? Could this be an example of the great spiritual dilemma facing us as Christians? Christians, will you commit to grow? Again, God has already set the stage, and made arrangements for our prosperity, all we need to do is “Grow!” There was a wise old man that, just happen, to be blind, and his reputation was known all around the community for his Wisdom and sagely advice. There were some mischievous boys that thought that they would test the old man, so they devised a plan to stump this supposedly, wise old man. They caught a bird, and decided that they would go and hold the bird in their hands and ask the old man if the bird was dead or alive. The plan was simple, if he said the bird was alive, they would crush the bird in their hands and if he said the bird was alive, they would open their hands and the bird would fly away. So, they knocked on the door and the old man appeared in the doorway and the boys said, “Old Man, we understand that you are supposed to be wise and “all knowing,” so, one of the boys said, “Old man, I have a bird in my hand, is it dead or alive?” The old man knew that if he said, dead, they would release the bird and if he said, alive, the boy would crush the bird to death, so he appeared to ponder the situation and then spoke, with wisdom, “As you will it my friend, as you will it!” Friends, your prosperity; both physically and spiritually; is fully dependent on YOU! God’s desire is for us to grow and to have Physical and Spiritual Prosperity, so, “AS YOU WILL IT!” What God does with you, depends upon what you do! Remember—“It is your ATTITUDE, not your APTITUDE, that will determine your ALTITUDE!!!” It Always has; It Always will!! Be Sure, be Productive, be Prayerful, be Obedient and continue to share the Love of God with others! To God Be the Glory! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!