June 30 Paul’s Recipe For Success Philippians 4:11-13
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: everywhere and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” (Philippians 4:11-13)
In recent days, we have heard so many excuses for bad behavior and so many reasons given to justify actions that are contrary to civilized thought. “The reason that I am where I am is because of actions by folks that I don’t know and by their behaviors that have caused me to suffer.” As I have witnessed our society following a path of excuses and justifications for acts of Evil, I have observed, that there are a lot of “IF’s” being tossed about. If I had been born into the right family I would not be in poverty and if I had add advantages like others, I would be better off today. It appears that our lives, today, are covered in excuses and “IF’s.” The difference between an individual who is a failure and a successful individual is that the successful person doesn’t look at the “IF’s,” as an excuse. They are focused on success. Believers, we have a choice in the way that we choose to live! Failure, inequity, challenges, struggles are all a part of life and we, like Paul, can choose to walk in victory or make excuses for our failures! Abraham Lincoln was a man who could have sat down and said, “If this would have happened, or that would have happened I could have been the President of the United States.” But instead, he MADE it happen! Consider his record: In 1831, He failed in business…In 1832, He was defeated for the legislature…In 1833, He, again failed in business… In 1834, He was elected to the legislature…In 1835, His sweetheart died… In 1836, He suffered a nervous breakdown… In 1838, He was defeated for Speaker…In 1840, He was defeated for Elector… In 1843, He was defeated for Congress… In 1846, He was elected to Congress… In 1848, He was defeated for Congress… In 1855, He was defeated for the Senate… In 1856, He was defeated for Vice President… In 1858, He was defeated for the Senate…In 1860, He was elected as President of the United States! Abraham Lincoln was poor and lacked the educational advantages as others had. He could have settles as a failure in life, with a big “IF,” but he refused to be a failure! So, he kept on pursuing success until he obtained it. Paul recognized, as he wrote to the Philippians, that we Christians can, likewise, accept defeat by living on “IF’s!” I believe that many of us are doing just that! We can keep on says, “If I had the money”…”If I had the talent”… “If I was like him”…Paul shares with us that the secret of his success, as a Christian, came “through Christ” as he lived a happy and productive Christian life. Paul tells us that he found contentment, not in money or property or food, whether he was hungry or full, or anything that this world offered; he found contentment in the promises of God. His power for living comes in the 13th verse, “I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHICH STRENGHTENETH ME!” There are so many that walk around with the “I CAN’T” attitude and fail to embrace the promise of God. Believers, we can do all things, through Christ! We can have a smile on our faces, even when the world is crumbling around us and we can still have a positive attitude, even when “Evil” is all around us and we can still claim the promises of God, even when Satan throws his negative chaos and fears towards us! Believers, we will survive, and I believe that we will thrive, even in this present chaos and confusion of Satanic evil that exists! How? By looking to God, believing His word, and claiming the promises: “I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST THAT STRENGTHENS ME!” Are you following Paul’s recipe for success? Are you willing to let the Word of God become your mirror and take a good look at yourself in it? Can you look at it and say, with confidence, ““I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST THAT STRENGTHENS ME?” I pray that you will not live your life with “IF’s” and I CAN’T’s, but will embrace God’s Word and live “VICTORIOUS!!!” Folks, this is the answer to the Evil that has beset us and our nation! We are to Stand Strong and Love our neighbor and Share His Good News! May we love, as God loves us, and gave himself up for us!! May we lay aside the attitudes and behaviors that would hinder our service and would open a door to Satan, and dig deeper in the Word and exercise spiritual growth and embrace the responsibility to serve Him and to edify Him! What God does with you, depends upon what you do! It Always has; It Always will!! Be sure, be productive and continue to share the Love of God with others! To God Be the Glory! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!