June 4 “NO VISION, PEOPLE PERISH!” Proverbs 29:18
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” (Proverbs 29:18)
Having a vision and working toward fulfilling it is the only way we can accomplish anything that is worthwhile, while we are here on earth. Many years ago, I wanted to be able to ride a bike. Although, I didn’t have a bicycle, I thought that I would like to learn to ride one, anyway. How was I going to learn to ride without a bike? My buddy, who lived down the road, had two bikes and he loaned one to me. Now, having the bike didn’t mean that I could ride it. So, daddy said that he would teach me and I was excited. Oh Boy, whenever daddy was going to “teach” me anything, it always came with a “Life’s Lesson,” and this was no different. The night before we were to go into training, that is, learning to ride that borrowed bike, daddy began his lesson. “You need to envision yourself riding that bike!” What? How? He continued, “To accomplish any goal, there are always two things that are a “MUST!” “The first is to set a goal that you want to reach and the second is to be determined that absolutely nothing will stop you from reaching your goal!” So, the morning finally came and I was ready. Daddy held the bike and I climbed on. He went over the mechanics of bike riding and told me that he was going to give me a push and I was to pedal and go for it! Easy for him to say! I was the one that started, wobbled and fell, repeatedly! I can hear him right this minute… “Focus, you can do this!” Well, not that day! The next day, one of the older boys in the community, rode by on his bike and he saw the borrowed bike in the driveway and he stopped to be the “Big Man,” and taunt me, just a little! “You can’t ride that bike, Pip-squeak!” “Yes, I can!” “Prove it!” So, I mustered up the courage, grabbed the bike and mounted it, just like daddy taught me and I saw myself riding past this “Jerk” to show him that I could do it. Guess what? The fear that had overshadowed my “Lesson Time” and been replaced with “Focus and Motivation.” And I rode past him and continued all the way down the road and decided that I would taunt him! “What’s wrong, big boy, can’t you keep up?” Well, I don’t recommend taunting “Big Boys,” yet, I do recommend having a “Vision,” a “Goal!” As Christians, we would do well to observe and incorporate into our lives the “Lessons” of daddy, of determination and execution of our God Given Vision! One of the saddest things about many of us is that we simply do not have any goals or “Vision” to move towards. Could it be that the reason that we don’t set goals is that it requires hard work to accomplish? Here is “Glen’s Life’s Lesson:” WE MUST TRUST GOD THAT HE IS ABLE TO MAKE A WAY FOR US TO REACH OUR GOALS AS WE GROW SPIRITUALLY!” We can accomplish great things for God if we are willing to do these two things: Set a goal—that is, have a “Vision” of the part in God’s work we can do. Next, let nothing stop you from serving Him! Apply these truths, set your goals, claim His Vision for your life and guess what? That’s right…you may be able to “Ride that Bike” through this life! Seek His guidance and claim His victory and be determined to serve…To God Be The Glory! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!