July 28 “What To Expect In The Future” 2 Timothy 3:1-3
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “This, know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,” (2 Timothy 3:1-3)
Looking ahead, there are many uncertainties. I believe that all of us, from time to time, wonder what the future holds. There are many folks that read their horoscope daily, consult “Miss Cleo” type Psychics, use Taro cards, or even use a Weegie Board, in a desire to know their future. Every one of these “So Called” glimpses into the future, are bogus! Believers, there are some certainties, in our future! In 2 Timothy 3:1-3, we are told that Sin will increase worldwide and that Sin will be made to appear more pleasant and desirable. We are told that Sin will become more open and public and the activities that we once in the shadows will come into the public. We, also, are assured that people will turn from God and Sin will be committed by more and more people. In the future, (actually, right this minute) we will suffer as a Christian witness! As we walk in obedience and as we walk in “Holiness,” before our God, we will suffer as we shine the “Light of Jesus’ Love” into the darkness of this Evil and Wicked World! You can count on being attacked for your faith and you can expect to be challenged in the perverse society. Walking according to the “Word of God,” expect to suffer and to be made to choose to walk in Christ or succumb to this Evil world. Already, the very integrity of the WORD is being challenged and the idea of an “Absolute wrong and an Absolute right,” challenges the basis of the Evil that exists and will exist, in the future! You see, when there are no “Absolutes,” then people can act and do as they “feel,” with no consequences or regrets! In the future, Satan is going to wage an “all out” war against God’s people and we will suffer! So, what are we to do, since we know the future? We are to stay true to God’s word! We are to trust in the promises of God! We are to follow the instructions of Faith! We are to walk in a growing faith so that we can stand strong in the face of growing Evil! Although, we may not know the minute details of everything that will occur, in the future, we do know that times are going to get worse and that it will become more and more difficult to express our faith and to walk in His Holiness! So, what do we do? WE MUST KEEP LOOKING AND WATCHING FOR HIS RETURN. WE MUST KEEP LISTENING FOR THAT GLORIOUS “SHOUT” OF THE TRUMPET AND BE PREPARED AND EXCITED ABOUT THE TRANSFER FROM MORTAL TO IMMORTAL, FROM CORRUPTIBLE TO INCORRUPTIBLE, FROM EARTH TO GLORY! As a Born Again, Blood Bought, Faithful Follower of Christ, OUR FUTURE IS CERTAIN! Regardless of the sin, corruption, chaos and degradation of humanity, I am assured of my future and I am committed to keep believing, keep looking, keep serving, and to keep faithful, regardless of the momentary suffering that I may endure or have to endure. Jesus suffered, bled and died, so that, when we believe, confess and receive His selfless act of Grace, we are assured of our future: FELLOWSHIP WITH THE FATHER AND THE SON, FOR ALL ETERNITY! So, What Should We Expect in the Future? As an unrepentant sinner, misery, death and eternal damnation! As a Believer, Joy, Peace and Eternal Glory as we stand in the presence of God and our Savior, JESUS CHRIST! I do not fear the future because I know that my God loves me and has promised me that when I claim Jesus’ Grace and walk in obedience to His Word, I AM CERTAIN OF MY ETERNAL FUTURE! HOW ABOUT YOU? Let us commit, right now, this moment, to pray more, study the Word more, to share the Good News more and to be the person that God requires! Evil abounds, yet, we can confront this “Pandemic of Evil” one soul at a time!!! What God does with you, depends upon what you do! It Always has; It Always will!! Be sure, be productive and continue to share the Love of God with others! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!