August 13 “GET RIGHT FOR THE FLIGHT” Matthew 24:44
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” (Matthew 24:44)
The majority of my life has been spent looking at the positive in this life. Like others, I have had some serious circumstances that have had the potential to shake my faith and alter my thoughts. It can be difficult to see the “Glass Half Full” in every situation! Praise God, every struggle and every situation has positioned me to grow in my faith and to provide a clearer glimpse into the future. The longer that I live, the more I am convinced that our “Earthly and Worldly” plans, that we spend so much time worrying about, are simply not worth it! The scriptures tell us that we are here for a short time and our lives should be about glorifying God and sharing the Good News of Jesus’ Love to others. Yesterday afternoon, I was challenged, by one of our BTC family members, about a host of issues. He started with politics and moved right into why we are not having church worship inside of the buildings at BTC. He went on to say that I should step up and show some faith and leadership and make it happen, regardless of what the majority say. Everything that I was presented with are “Earthly, Temporal issues” and he did not speak one word about sharing Jesus or the Spiritual needs of our fellowship, instead, it was all about his desire to show that he was more faithful, more committed and more willing to challenge the authorities, that he deemed wrong. What could I say? He, basically, told me that I was faithless and weak and unwilling to stand up to, what he deemed, was the proper course to follow. “Why are you so concerned about what others are doing?” “Why are you concentrating on what isn’t happening, when you could concentrate on what “CAN” happen, right now, for the cause of Christ?” He didn’t have an answer; however, his last words were an indication of where his heart is, “Well, if you don’t step up, this will be on your head!” I have shared this in order to say this…I am as ready as anyone to return to “In House Worship” and I am ready to be able to visit the sick in the hospitals and to visit our shut-ins that are in the Nursing Homes and in their houses and I am ready to be able to look out into the faces of our church family as I preach God’s word. Instead of focusing on what is not happening, I choose to look to God for guidance and purpose, through the Holy Spirit, for what can happen and how I can make the very best of the opportunities to be obedient to HIS cause! I understand the young man’s position, however, my focus is not on the political and social upheaval of the moment; my focus is on JESUS’ RETURN FOR HIS PEOPLE! More and more, I see the unfolding prophecies and I am excited that it will not be long! THE RAPTURE IS COMING! Guess What? IT WILL BE SUDDEN… The Rapture will take place in the twinkling of an eye. A blink of the eye has been times at 1/50th of a second. A twinkling is even faster than that! There will be no announcements made, no advertisements posted, the Lord will come and go for His church in a split second of time. You need to be ready NOW! HIS RETURN WILL BE SOLEMN… It will be Solemn because all those who do not know the Lord Jesus will be left behind! IT WILL BE SHOCKING… Many will expect to go with the redeemed, but will instead be left behind. Many have false hopes for Heaven, but do not be deceived; God knows the heart! HIS RETURN WILL BE SATISFYING…. There will be a glad reunion at that time, and there will be eternal blessings, and there will be a new home. All of this because of the shed blood of Jesus and our accepting that selfless act at Calvary for our sins. HIS RETURN WILL BE SAD! (for some)… Why sad? It will be sad because, some who are reading this message may to be ready to meet Jesus. If He were to come right now, you would never have another opportunity to be saved. Why sad? It is sad because if the Rapture takes place today, I will never see the ones that are lost, ever again. No matter how you look at it, that is a sad thing. However, you can be made ready right now, all you have to do is come to Jesus by faith and He will save your soul. I look forward to the Rapture. It will be a time of freedom for me and I will simply leave this old world with its problems, sin and death behind and will ascend to Heaven where I will enjoy the presence of the Lord and His Saints forever. The question is; what will happen to you? If Jesus came right now, would you go to be with Him, or would you, be left behind to endure the Tribulation? Would yours be a future in Heaven, or in Hell? If there is the slightest hint of doubt about your relationship to the Lord Jesus, I beg you please give Him your heart today and get right for the flight. You see, Christian Believers, regardless of the situations, regardless of the circumstances, regardless of the conditions, our God has provided HOPE in the midst of Despair and HOPE in the midst of worldly unbelief, and He has the power to sustain us and to maintain us and to provide the power to overcome! Never allow this world to shake your confidence in the promises of God for your life! It does not matter what happens, in this EVIL world, because I AM A CHILD OF THE KING WHO IS NOT MOVED BY THIS WORLD…FOR MY GOD IS WITH ME AND GOES BEFORE ME…I DO NOT FEAR BECAUSE I AM HIS!! So, the answer to my friend who challenged my faith… it is not a matter that I don’t see the issues of the day, I simply have a different perspective! I choose to keep this in the forefront of my thoughts: THIS WORLD IS NOT MY HOME, I AM JUST PASSING THROUGH! Please allow the CONFIDENCE IN GOD to provide comfort and HOPE and joy, as we anticipate HIS ARRIVAL! Remember… Stay Strong, Stay Focused… Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!!