August 15 “HOPE” Romans 15:13
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13)
“Son, your prayers may not be answered the way that you hope they will be answered!” My Mother shared that tidbit of factual information with me, may years ago. HOPE is a wonderful thing! HOPE is a reflection of our attitude! Hope is directly connected to our FAITH! Mama was trying to teach me that we all need HOPE and that, just because we HOPE for something, doesn’t guarantee it will happen, as we HOPE! She knew that God’s ways are different than ours. The scripture, for today, indicates that we should be filled with “All Joy and Peace” as we believe, and that we will have abundant HOPE, for now and the future, by the amazing Power of the Holy Spirit! Even though, I am a growing and dedicated believer, unfortunately, I am often easily discouraged. It is at these times, that I have to “Hunker Down” and claim God’s provision, for me, through the HOLY SPIRIT! During these times, I cry out to God, to fill my heart and my mind with HOPE! HOPE for the present and Blessed Hope and Assurance for the Future! I do not know what will happen tomorrow, however, I have HOPE in knowing that HE HAS ME SECURELY IN HIS HANDS AND he PROMISED THAT ALL THINGS, GOOD OR BAD, WILL WORK FOR MY GOOD! Please do not allow COVID19, Social Unrest, Politics, or any other Worldly influence, to steal your HOPE or your JOY or your PEACE! Remember, God’s Ways are not our Ways, But HIS WAYS ARE ALWAYS MUCH BETTER THAN OURS! AMEN! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!