August 2 Changing Perspectives Isaiah 5:20
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20)
Since I was a boy, I have heard that there would come a day when people, would declare that which has always been Good, to be Evil, and Evil would be declared as Good! Well, it has finally happened! A constant barrage of “Godless” education, Radical “Anti-Religion,” Far Left Political Thought, Satan Driven Evil and Lawlessness, has altered the very foundation of our nation and our way of life. I recall what Mama used to say, and it is still true today… “THE TRUTH IS THE TRUTH AND IT WILL STAND WHEN THE WORLD IS ON FIRE!!” I have been receiving an overwhelming outcry from folks who are feeling overwhelmed by this present situation and have inquired about how I feel about it. Hopefully, these words will clarify and inspire others to understand and follow in His (GOD’S) Directions! Who would have ever thought that the American Flag would be offensive to an American? Who would have thought that a slab of cement would offend someone so bad that they had to seek medical care? Who would have believed that you would have more than two choices to describe your gender? Who would have believed that in August of 2020, we would be experiencing the expressions of true EVIL being played out on the streets of major cities? Who would have believed that a major political party, in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, would have been taken over by the EVIL that has become acceptable as “GOOD?” So Believer, what do we do? We see the facts and we know the realities and we recognize that we have to live in this mess that is, in the here and now! Are we to compromise our Faith, or conform to this EVIL, or embrace the “Craziness” of Satanic Thought? ABSOLUTELY NOT!! Believers, now, more than ever, we must remain faithful and continue to walk in obedience and to keep growing and believing and sharing Jesus, EVERY SINGLE DAY! God has told us that this kind of EVIL and CHAOS and UNREST and UNBELIEF and OUTRIGHT HATRED FOR WHAT IS GOOD AND RIGHT will occur. Recognizing this fact, I am committed to “DOUBLE DOWN” on serving God and sharing Jesus and Praying more and Reading God’s Word more and to make a difference, ONE SOUL AT A TIME! I can’t control events, however, I can, through the HOLY SPIRIT, control my reactions to this EVIL and I can commit to growing stronger in FAITH and continue to look toward the EASTERN SKY for HIS APPEARING! Folks, I refuse to allow Satan and his EVIL Minions to steal my joy or to change my commitments or alter my perspective of the glory that awaits me, because of my Savior, Jesus Christ! I pray that you join me in recognizing the EVIL of this present age and “DOUBLE DOWN” on serving our God, regardless of the circumstances and claim the PROMISE of our ultimate and EVENTUAL presence with our GOD! Let the worldly perspectives change and let the Prophesies unfold, yet, you stay committed, strong and focused on the fact that, “THIS WORLD IS NOT OUR HOME, WE ARE JUST PASSING THROUGH!!” “Come Quickly, Lord… Please Come Quickly!” Stay Strong, Stay Focused, Stay Committed, Stay True…. Remember- THE BEST IS YET TO BE!! In His Love, Pastor Glen