August 25 “You Need to Change!” Matthew 7:3-5
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye’; and look, a plank is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” (Matthew 7:3-5)
“Why aren’t you doing more to reach those folks?” If I were you, I would do it this way!” I hope that you know that you are doing this the wrong way!” “I don’t think that you are being the example that I think you should be!” Why don’t you do more to let us get back to normal?” I am disappointed in your level of commitment to doing what is right.” These are just a few of the comments that have been directed towards me, over the past 160 days of this Pandemic. Decent, well-meaning people, that I love and respect; that are frustrated, and upset over the current issues and situations, with their eyes focused on others and their issues, speaking out, without looking in the mirror at themselves. “Well, why don’t you do it?” “How would you do it differently?” “Show me the proper way!” If you know everything, then share it with me so that I can meet with your approval!” “Oh no, it can’t be! Am I doing exactly what I have been condemning?” It is natural for individuals to feel the pressure and focus on the temporal, when they are constantly being criticized, while doing the best that they know how. So, here I am, in the midst of my Prayer Time, praying that God would “Straighten Out” these folks for telling me that I am wrong and that I should be doing differently and that I am not showing proper “Faith” in my actions and I should be exercising stronger leadership, so that I would do what they think that I should be doing, and then it happened! The Holy Spirit placed His Mirror in front of my face! I did not like what I saw! Oh my, there it was, as big as life itself, that “PLANK,” right there in my own eye! I was guilty of exactly what I was accusing others of doing. I was being critical of others, without regard for my own shortcomings! Could it be possible, that this has happened to you? Is it possible that we can see the issues with others and miss our own? Thank you God; for pointing out the “PLANK” in my eye and allowing me the strength and vision to remove it and the desire to help my brothers and sisters to remove the little “SPECK” in their eyes. Please remember, Life is a process, not an event, and every one of us are constantly growing and changing. During these troubled and trying times, it is so easy to be critical and judgmental of others; however, before we even think about judging others, may we take a hard look at our own issues, and replace the criticism with intercessory prayer, for that person! How can we avoid the tendency to be judgmental of our neighbor? SIMPLE! Stay focused on Jesus Christ; continue to look up to the Cross and PRAY! Please know that I recognize the storms and challenges have a tendency to take our eyes off of the Cross, yet, staying focused on God, the source of our support and strength, steady’s our walk and provides clarity as He guides us! As the storms come our way, may we look to God with Gratitude and Hope and not to our neighbors with judgement and criticism! Live today with commitment and dedication and FAITH that HE WILL SEE US THROUGH! Yes, I see the issues, I see the struggles, I see the Evil, I hear the lies, I see the Satanic influences, I see the unfaithfulness, I see the fears, yet, I KNOW that HE has PROMISED VICTORY and HE HAS PROVIDED POWER TO OVERCOME! I am committed to serve GOD today and not to worry about tomorrow! GOD HAS GOT TOMORROW; therefore, my worry is not needed!! Remember, we are OVERCOMERS, through the Blood of Jesus and that faith, that fact, that truth, IS ALL THAT WE REALLY NEED!!! THIS WORLD IS NOT MY HOME, I AM JUST PASSING THROUGH! I do not know what calamities and troubles and depravities are to come, yet, I am assured that, as a True Believer, I am an “OVERCOMER,”AND I AM TO BE THE LIGHT OF JESUS, and I know that I will be successful, because HE PROMISED, and I BELIEVE IT, and I CLAIM IT! How about you? Are you an “OVERCOMER?” Stay Strong, Stay Focused… Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!!