August 30 Do You Love Life? 1 Peter 3:9-12
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. For, ‘Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech. They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it. For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.’” (1 Peter 3:9-12)
Isn’t it amazing how, we are humans, can selectively determine what is acceptable and what is worth rioting in the streets? In today’s political and humanistic climate, we are witnessing a level of “HATRED” that has not been seen in many, many years! “Justice, Equity, Inclusion,” and many more demands are coming from individuals that are allowing their “HATRED” to completely consume their “Common Sense!” Keep in mind, whether justified or not, rioting, looting, destruction of public and private property, physical assault, ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE! From my vantage point, Evil continues to push into the very fabric of our society, with each day bringing more “HATRED, More Destruction, More Chaos and More Examples of “Selective” Outrage! I would like to believe that the Evil and those that are being used as “Pawns” in the Destructive expressions of Evil; would embrace 1 Peter 3:9-12! Wouldn’t it be an amazing world, if everyday folks would actually regard their neighbors with respect and would live their lives with a standard of behavior and courtesy that would create goodwill among everyone? NOT GOING TO HAPPEN until folks come to Jesus and the HOLY SPIRIT does a work in their lives! So, how do we, as believers, navigate through these radically EVIL days? We do exactly what 1 Peter 3:9-12 tells us to do! We are to share the “GOOD NEWS” and we are to “LIVE PEACEFULLY AS POSSIBLE” with everyone and we are to return good to those who would treat us badly. We are to stop speaking Evil and we are to speak the “GOOD NEWS!” Now, this requires more than our human abilities! We can achieve this “Noble and Righteous” position and attitude by continuing to grow in Grace and continue to “Seek” God’s will and to “Practice HIS Grace” in our daily interactions with others! This passage of scripture tells us that if they want to have a great life, we must live godly. If we want to have a great life of pleasing Jesus, here is a start… We must Control our speech, Turn from evil, do good, Seek peace diligently, and live “in peace’ with others! Life will be better when we live lives of peace. This peace only comes as we find our absolute joy in God Himself. Inner peace only comes in Christ, even after salvation. Have you had all your sins forgiven? Do you really believe that He is in control working all things out for your good and His glory? Are their lingering sins that harm your daily fellowship with Him? Do you hold grudges? Do you speak angrily with others? Do you seek to serve and give rather than be served and get? Are you always concerned about what is in it for you, or how a situation affects you? We must look at life through the “Eyes of Our Savior” and recognize that Evil DOERS EXIST and that we have a choice of how we will respond to the actions of Evil ones! Will we return Evil with Evil; Anger with Anger; Insult with Insult; or will we live our lives so that we HONOR GOD and Present an Example of Grace, Peace and Hope to this Evil, Angry and “HOPELESS” world? REPRESENT CHRIST IN ALL OF YOUR DEALINGS AND SPEAK GOD’S LOVE IN EVERY CONVERSATION AND DEMONSTRATE GOD’S PEACE IN EVERYTHING THAT YOU DO!! I recognize the Evil of this world and I recognize the difficulties in navigating through this “Craziness,” yet, I am filled with “HOPE” and encouraged by the PROMISES OF GOD for each of us who would claim HIS SAVING GRACE, Walk in his obedience, and embrace the fact that “THIS WORLD IS NOT MY HOME, I AM JUST PASSING THROUGH!” Stay Strong, Stay Focused…Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!!