September 16 I Have Questions… Numbers 14:11
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “The Lord said to Moses, “How long will this people spurn Me? And how long will they not believe in Me, despite all the signs which I have performed in their midst?”
Over the past 2 months, I have been writing down the questions that have been asked of me and when I looked at this list, I was amazed and I felt that a devotional message was calling out to be written. I encourage you to process these following questions in light of the question that the Lord asked Moses, as it related to the Hebrew people who were continuing to walk in unbelief. “Do we have the power to alter the inconsistences and sins of others?” “What is the answer to the present situation?” “Can we actually be more than God has planned for us to be?” Can I live a godly and obedient life in this present sinful world?” Can we, in any way, alter, change, manipulate, re-direct God’s plan for mankind and this world?” Can it be possible that a major political party as allowed Satan to take control over its policies and procedures?” “What is our responsibility as we pass through this world?” “Am I supposed to ignore the evil and just act like it is ok?” How is it, that all of a sudden, there is a coin shortage in America?” “God has a predetermined plan for this world and the people in it, so, can we, in any way, alter His plan?” These questions represent a small number of the questions that have been asked of me over this time line. The answers to all of these questions, and more, are found in the Holy Scriptures. Folks, our responsibility is to claim salvation through Jesus Christ and to grow in His Grace and in His knowledge and to walk in obedience to His call and to share the Good News where we are and continue to stay focused on what is real and noble and edifying to the Body of Christ!! Being aware of the Evil and recognizing the patterns of Evil, unfolding before our eyes, is not a call to action against that Evil, but our divine responsibility is to be the “BRIGHT LIGHT OF JESUS INTO THIS EVIL AND DEPRAVED WORLD!” I have a good friend that likes to call and tell me about all of the Evil and all of the sinful acts being displayed and to talk to me about what we have got to do, in order, to put a stop to it. When I say that, “You Can’t Stop It,” he gets a little “testy” with me and tells me that I am not displaying a strong faith! Well, listen, my friends, if you could change anything, you would have already done it! If you had control of the politics and actions of others, you would have already altered their thoughts and actions! Why are we so engaged in the “Earthly and “Sinful” processes of this life and ignore the basic and primary responsibility of our Redemption? I see the Evil, I recognize the depravity, I mourn the death of morality, I am moved by the lack of basic common sense, yet, I fully recognize that I can’t alter God’s plan for Humanity, nor do I want to. Our God has promised, for the True Believer, that we have a Home that is not made by human hands and that we are to live in obedience and dedication to His love and His selfless act at Calvary and we are to share Jesus and continue to make a difference right where we are and to keep looking, to keep anticipating, to keep praying for HIS APPEARING! What I have figured is this: When I am serving God in the beauty of His Holiness, and I am focused on the mission before me and when I am “surrendered” to my Savior, I really don’t have time to focus on that which I cannot change! It may seem as if I have “Rambled about,” yet, I am confident, in my answers to the questions of the day! Remember, THIS WORLD IS NOT YOUR HOME, YOU ARE JUST PASSING THROUGH! So, Serve God right where you are and make a difference with the people that are around you and let the “JUNK” of this world go! I choose to serve God! I choose to make a difference by praying that the Holy Spirit will provide the opportunity to share Jesus with as many as I can while I am still here. What a true and blessed calling; to help as many people as possible to miss HELL! What is your focus? What do you perceive as your mission? Are you growing daily and praying daily and open for every opportunity to share the “GOOD NEWS?” Enough said… What God does with you is entirely up to you! It always has and it always will! You can choose to concentrate to the temporal or you can choose to focus on the eternal! Stay Strong, Stay FOCUSED…Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!