September 19 Faith, Not Feelings Ephesians 2:8-9
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina…“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.”(Ephesians 2:8-9)
In recent days, I have heard a tremendous amount about how people “Feel!” “I feel like we ought to do this and I feel like you should do that!” During this “Pandemic,” I have been told that they “Felt” that I was not doing my job and they “Felt” like I was not showing real Faith!! Amazingly, the instructions that I have received was all about “Feelings,” and nothing to do, actually with “Faith!” As I ruminated over these well- meaning instructions, I thought, that there had to be, a faith based devotion amongst these “Feeling” requests. Guess what? FAITH MUST BE EXERCISED BEFORE FEELING IS EXPERIENCED! We can’t save ourselves, and God’s word is True; more than our feelings! When we exercise our true faith in God, our feelings will represent His Purpose and not our earthly, temporal thoughts! Guess what? FAITH TRUSTS IN GOD, FEELINGS TRUST SELF! Our faith anchors us to the will of God and feelings are rooted in self! “Feeling” that I am saved is different from KNOWING that I am SAVED, THROUGH FAITH!! Guess what? FAITH RESTS ON UNCHANGING FACTS, FEELINGS CHANGE LIKE THE WIND! FAITH IS SAFER AND STRONGER THAN FEELINGS! Pay attention…FAITH IN GOD BRINGS REST, JOY, PEACE and CLARITY! When we walk in Faith and claim His provision for our lives, our Feelings will reflect HIS LOVE, HIS PURPOSE and not the Worldly Influences! So, do I feel that you should walk in faith? NO, I KNOW THAT YOU SHOULD WALK IN FAITH!! Fulfilling God’s purpose and calling for our lives, requires FAITH, Not FEELINGS! By the way…God doesn’t really care about your feelings, yet, HE does care about your FAITH! BY FAITH, is how we COME TO HIM! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!