September 26 Do What Is Right! Philippians 4:9
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.” (Philippians 4:9)
In recent days, it has become crystal clear, that change needs to occur, in our society, in the churches, and in our lives! It is so easy to “climb up on our ‘soapbox’ and tell others what they should do, while don’t actually doing anything about it, ourselves!” Have you ever heard these words of instruction, “If I were you, I’d do it this way?” How easy it is to judge others, yet, our lives are not reflections of our lofty instructions. On Tuesday, I was listening to a radio program and the interviewer asked a profound question. He asked the political candidate if character mattered in political life! The answer was astounding! “Well, I think that a person’s character is a private thing and should not be a part of their political life!” Keep in mind, I am not talking about personality or habits or dispositions; I am talking about standards for living that one lives by! Does character matter? Should it matter? If we are to be effective witnesses for Christ, then, YES, character matters!! Things like “Honesty, Sexual Integrity, Generosity, Optimism, and Humility!” It is easy to talk about change and what should be changed; however, it is another story to be a part of the change. When you are positioned to criticize others for their behavior, be careful that you are not living the same way! Daddy used to say to folks who were judgmental and critical of others and, by their behaviors, created stumbling blocks that would complicate their witness to others towards salvation: “Why don’t you be the Change that You want to see?” What a “Novel” approach! Actually being what God intends for us to be and to walk in the “Character” that God expects! How easy it is to judge, yet, how difficult to be the change that we expect. I am grateful for the last 6 months! The extreme changes in our way of life and the adjustments that have been required in order to continue to “walk with Christ,” have caused me to “Dig” deeper into His word and to depend on His instructions and to adjust my priorities so that I am pleasing God and growing in His Grace and Knowledge! I am grateful because God has used these difficult times to clearly show me that I have a responsibility to be a part of the change that I would like to see AND AS I HONOR His words, PEACE will come! So, I am going to continue to share Jesus, preach His word, pray for my neighbors, lift the burdens of others and live my life as a witness for His Love and Saving Grace! HOW ABOUT YOU? “BE THE CHANGE THAT YOU WANT TO SEE!” Remember, WHAT GOD DOES WITH YOU IS ENTIRELY UP TO YOU! IT ALWAYS HAS, AND IT ALWAYS WILL!! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!