September 28 “His Church” Matthew 16:18
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18)
“Don’t you see, the Church is under attack and I fear for the future of the institution?” This statement was from a noted Pastor, preaching to his congregation. It caused me to stop in my tracks and think about what he said! Really? Jesus, himself, stated clearly, that even Hell, itself, that is, all of the Evil that exist, cannot and will not overcome the Church! Now, if you have a Temporal and Worldly perspective that is fueled by earthly happenings, then, you may think that the Church is in danger of destruction; however, if you have an eternal and heavenly perspective, then you KNOW that NOTHING will destroy the Church! Understand that the “Brick and Mortar” of the physical structures, scattered around the world, are NOT THE CHURCH!!! We are the CHURCH! Born Again, Blood Bought Believers! Regardless of the challenges, regardless of the political changes, regardless of the rampant chaos and social unrest, God’s CHURCH will prevail! So, STOP worrying about the survival of the church and focus your efforts on expanding the church by sharing the Good News of Jesus and be a part of the future, not the past! Over and Over, Again and Again, I have continued to teach about our perspective and our attitudes. Friends, the world and all of its craziness will continue and the evil and chaos will continue; however, we DO NOT HAVE TO BE A PARTY TO IT!! Remember, we live in this world, yet, we do not have to be “Of this World!” As we grow in Christ, we can see the priorities, as we grow closer to God, we can see the responsibility of Service and Devotion to His Calling! AGAIN…THIS WORLD IS NOT OUR HOME, WE ARE JUST PASSING THROUGH!! God’s Plan for Humanity WILL unfold and He does not need our help in the actual unfolding of the Plan, however, we can make a difference in the lives of those that we are around! My goal, My calling is to help as many as I can to miss HELL! What is your calling? To inform as many as possible about the temporal issues of the day or is it to share Jesus? I choose to be aware of the issues of this evil day, yet to rise above the Evil and to live faithfully, with the Firm and Faithful Promise that God’s CHURCH, the FAITHFUL and REDEEMED, will NEVER BE DEFEATED! I choose to live VICTORIOUSLY! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE! (For believers, this isn’t some “catch phrase,” it is FACT!)