January 11 LOVE THAT IS GROWING John 13:35
***Please pray for our Country and, our Leaders, whether you agree with them, or not! Just when we think that we have seen all of the Evil and Insanity, motivated by Hatred, that could possibly be, amazingly, we are witnessing, yet another milestone in arrogance and insanity! Hang-on, there is apparently more to come! Please focus on what God expects of us and PRAY, PRAY, PRAY! It is time for us to focus on what is real and edifying to Almighty God! HE IS THE ONLY ANSWER TO THIS PRESENT CHAOS!***
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” (John 13:35)
A few years ago, Annette had a doctor’s appointment and I drove her to the office. She said that she wouldn’t be long, so I decided to wait in the car. I pulled out a book and began to read. Engrossed in the book, I lost track of time and when I realized the actual time that she had been gone, I began to be concerned about the length of time that she had been gone. I went into the office and there she was, sitting in the waiting room. The doctor had been delayed and, obviously, there was an extended wait. I told her that I was concerned about her and I just had to check on her. The receptionist asked if we were newlyweds and she said that “we were obviously still in love. With a chuckle and a smile, I told her that we were grandparents and that we were still in love. She said that the obvious love that we had for each other was clear. I said “Thank you,” and went back to the car to continue to read. As I thought about her question and her follow-up, I realized that the Love that God instructs us to display has to be a “Growing” love. Our love cannot be restricted or closed off; it has to be growing and must include everyone! To grow, our Love must go…that is, it must include the neighbor, the person in the next road, and the lady beyond the curve and extend to everyone that we meet! Folks, we are called to love one another and God instructed us, then He gave us the Perfect example to follow: Jesus Christ!! As I look around this world, I am aware of people that are actively opposed to what I believe and are determined to undermine the standards and principles that I live by, so, am I to love those who are “bent” on opposing, even, eliminating my opportunity to serve my God? The answer is an ABSOLUTE YES!! “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” Regardless of the rampant hatred, the critical opposition to God’s Word, the personal attacks, I choose to be a Disciple of Christ, by my words, my actions and my life, and that includes loving those that are out to destroy me! My witness for my Savior requires that my Love continue to grow, even in the face of opposition…The message is clear: WE MUST LOVE OUR FELLOWMAN AS A WITNESS OF GOD’S POWER AND GRACE! THIS WORLD WILL KNOW WHERE WE STAND, WHEN WE LOVE OUR NEIGHBOR!!! REALIZE, THAT MEANS TO LOVE OUR NEIGHBOR, EVEN WHEN WE DISAGREE! Please do not allow this temporal insanity and blatant display of hatred to sway and alter your mission and devotion for Christ and our ultimate responsibility as a Born Again Follower of Christ!! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE! (Remember, Walking in Obedience is not easy, yet, the benefits are ETERNAL)