January 24 Never Give Up! Galatians 6:9
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9)
The past year has brought many opportunities to quit! The circumstances have created the thoughts of checking out and giving up and the thoughts of hibernating until the end appears. In the midst of the world wide pandemic, and the turbulent political battles and the systematic erosion of our basic human interactions and standards, we might decide that we just need to quit! Well, we are instructed that we are not to grow weary! We have a promise that “Harvest Time” is coming and that we are to remain faithful and we are to NEVER, EVER GIVE UP! Satan would love for every Child of God to throw up our hands and just Give Up! Listen to me clearly….Jesus Died for Us, and He Arose for Us, and He is now Beside of God the Father, for Us, and this occurred because God Loves Us! With that level of Love for Us, and His Promises at Hand, why would be even contemplate quitting? My Daddy used to tell me, as an encouragement; “Life is a process, not an event, so hunker down for the journey and keep growing!” Folks, I do not know where this life is going to take us and I do not know the bumps and bruises that will result, however, I do know who is in charge of my life and I do know who has promised victory, if I do not stop! Every day, I bend my knees and ask God, through Jesus Christ, for the provision and power, through the Holy Spirit, to lead and guide me, and to empower me to keep on keeping on until it is harvest time! Every time that I feel like I am going to fold under the pressures of Life, I remember the words of my dear friend, Judy Strickland. Judy endured the struggles of a physical attack by cancer and she battled with dignity and with a total commitment to overcome, regardless of the pain, trials and assault from her opponent! With strength of faith and the Saving Grace of God, she endured to the end, with the witness and example of endurance. Friends, I share these words that were penned by Judy, near the end of her battle, and I pray that they will inspire you to hang on and to continue to grow and serve and to look to Jesus!
“Life is a journey, one with many battles. We all experience fighting at some point in our journeying. I pray that none of us will give up, because there is a joy coming for those who persevere. There is an inheritance we are set to earn. And it will be worth it all. Don’t give up friends! Struggle on! We are in this together! Be real, be open; be honest! Share your journeys, your good times and your bad times, and listen to those around you going through similar battles. And in it all keep your eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith!
If you ever come to the place where you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. If you can’t even crawl and you are on the ‘ground,’ and all you can do is look at Christ, then look with all your heart, soul, and mind! That is OKAY to be there. Just never take your eyes away from Christ!”--- Judy Strickland
Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!