January 30 Try Wisdom Proverbs 4:7
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” (Proverbs 4:7)
The year was 1964 and the Brock Family moved into their new home, deep in the countryside of eastern Wayne County. We began to settle into our isolation and all that the quiet brought to the experience. We began to notice that our dog’s food was being eaten, but not by him. Spot, my dog, would howl and moan and bark all during the night, and when you are in the midst of that much quiet, it was loud! Daddy decided that he would stay up and observe what was going on. What he discovered was interesting. He observed, approximately 2:00 am, a very brave and determined raccoon. Amazingly, my dog, Spot, would only howl and bark at this “Coon,” and did not offer to hurt or chase him away. For us, it became an issue, yet, this “ole” coon seemed to enjoy the nightly trip to consume the free dog food. Daddy and I were up at the local general store and Daddy mentioned this nightly visitor. One of the old farmers gave us some amazingly smart advice. He said, “That coon was there before you and he his only doing what he knows, so I reckon you ought to try some tolerance.” He also suggested that we put out some food, just for him. That very night, Mama put together a smorgasbord of groceries for our visitor. Spot stopped howling and he was able to eat his own food and the raccoon, we named him Ronnie, was perfectly content to peacefully coexist with this family that had invaded his space. Why am I sharing this simple story? I believe that, as Followers of Christ, we are to respect each other and to we are called to Love each other and we need to be tolerant of the differences that we each enjoy, while exercising the Love of God in each situation. As it worked out for “Ronnie” and my family; there was room for us all and, following the advice of the old farmer, we employed a little tolerance and respect and, “Ronnie” seemed to understand and, I have got to believe, appreciated the opportunity to tolerate each other. Mama’s groceries, on a regular basis, didn’t hurt! Folks, we share this world with different people, with different ways and different thoughts and different missions, so, if we are to be in the position to “Share Jesus” with them, we must be in position to “Get Along” and to establish a relationship that we facilitate our ability to Share! I have established relationships with others, that, on the surface, might seem odd, yet, if I am to Share the Love of God with them, I must be patient and tolerant. Notice that I didn’t say that I had to agree with their politics or social thought. My purpose, as a believer, is to be in a position to honor God’s calling and to be obedient to that call! It requires Wisdom to navigate through a world that is consumed by Evil, yet, God has promised that we can be and should be and must be prepared to serve. Listen, He has promised… James 1:5 – “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all [men] liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” When you ask for “Wisdom,” He WILL provide. Equipped with the tools to serve, we must press on to fulfill our calling! “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” (Colossians 3:16) Remember “Ronnie” and try a little WISDOM, PATIENCE and TOLERANCE in your relations with others, while staying focused and true to your commitments and convictions! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!!!