October 8 Serving with the Proper Attitude Psalm100: 2-3
***Due to the rise in COVID19 related illnesses, we are strongly encouraging the use of Masks, within the sanctuary, and to continue to observe “Social Distancing.” Together, with a faithful reliance on God, we will overcome this present challenge!!
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Serve the Lord with gladness; come before His presence with singing. Know that the Lord, He is God; it is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people and the sheep of His pasture.” (Psalm 100: 2-3)
Every one of us have had the experience of someone serving us. There are times when the service is good and, sometimes, not so good. Over the past few months, Annette and I have gone out to eat two times, at a particular restaurant, and the service was completely different each time. Each of the waiters got the food to the table and took care of the essential needs for the meal (napkins, refills, check, etc.), yet there was a real difference in the way that it occurred. What was the difference? It can be summed up in one word: ATTITUDE! The Attitude, of the server, can enhance or destroy our dining experience. Are you aware that our attitude, in serving Christ, will leave either a positive or negative impression on the folks that we are serving, in His Name? As Redeemed Believers, we are to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the Good News! Keep in mind, it is not just the service that we render or the message of Hope, it is the ATTITUDE in which we present the message! During the COVID-19 pandemic, I have observed the ATTITUDES and behaviors of professing, born-again Believers, and I am amazed! Earthly positions, political ideas, “Line in the sand” stands, and a host of other positions that are not bringing Honor and Glory to God, nor are they positions that promote Hope or Joy or the fact that God is in Control, and we have an obligation to serve Him “with Gladness!” It is my observation that this pandemic and the political climate have caused some to take positions that Satan has got to be enjoying. Dear Friends, we MUST set our priorities on serving God and we MUST avoid anything that is going to take away from our witness for Him. Is it any wonder that the psalmist instructs us to serve the Lord with gladness? Listen, it is not just the service that we render to others, but the ATTITUDE in which we do it that is the most important to God! Please let go of the temporal and earthly, so that you can serve Him with Gladness! Take a moment to realize and reflect on this one FACT: You, through the Blood of Jesus, belong to God, and you have the honor and privilege to represent His Kingdom and the privilege to share His Good News! Remember: “It is your ATTITUDE, not your aptitude, that will determine your altitude!” May we take this time to grow stronger in His will and to be witnesses for Christ, and not to cloud our witness with earthly and temporal positions that are not edifying to the Body of Christ! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE WHEN YOUR HEART IS SET ON HIM!