November 13 It Is Good to Give Thanks Psalm 92:1
ANNOUNCEMENT: Baptist Tabernacle Church will be 100 years old, in 2022. A grand celebration is planned for May 22, 2022, to commemorate the first service as an organized church body! Special information, recognitions, God’s Word, and a catered meal will be a part of the celebration. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend the festivities.
***Due to the rise in COVID19 related illnesses, we are strongly encouraging the use of Masks, within the sanctuary, and to continue to observe “Social Distancing.” Together, with a faithful reliance on God, we will overcome this present challenge!!***
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “It is good to give thanks to the Lord, and to sing praises to Your name, O Most High.” (Psalm 92:1)
It is a scientific, proven fact, that individuals that are grateful and demonstrate their thankfulness, are more satisfied and more optimistic about life! Having an “Attitude of Gratitude” is required for a positive and successful living experience! We should start every day with a list of our reasons to be grateful! Keep in mind, this list has little to do with circumstances and all to do with our relationship with the Lord! When we start each day, giving thanks for our Salvation, and for our blessings and for our forgiveness, then our hearts are going to be filled with His Joy and we will be able to share the reason for our Gratitude, with those around us! Being “THANKFUL” is God’s Will for us!! Stop and think about your blessings! In reality, “It is good to give thanks to the Lord!!!” Stay Strong, Stay Focused… THE BEST IS YET TO BE!