February 1 Triumph 11 Corinthians 2:14
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere.” (2 Corinthians 2:14 NIV)
Many years ago, I played on a softball team that started out, well, the worst team in the entire softball group. The next year, we had a new coach, and he taught us to “have a good time and enjoy the game!” For the next 3 seasons, we won every game and folks began to expect a win from us. The last game of the season had arrived and we were ready. After the dust settled, we had lost a hard fought game by 1 run. As we were walking off the field, I heard a lady say, “What a way to end the season…what a waste!!” A bit later, at the Pizza Party, for the team, I heard this same woman say that, “Winning is not just the most important thing, it is the only thing!” We had won 35 straight games, yet she was saying that that was not enough. Guess what? Life is like a game. We have victories and defeats and ups and downs. I think of Solomon. He was one of the biggest winners of all time, yet it was not enough. Think about the “Rich Young Ruler” that came to Christ. He seemed to have it all, but his soul was empty and bankrupt. My Daddy used to say that “Folks will always be restless and dissatisfied, until they “Rest in Him!” Our Triumph, Our Joy, Our Happiness will always, depend on our relationship with God, through Jesus Christ! Reflecting on our current social and political situation, I remind you that, whether in victory or defeat, our hope is found in the Love of God, through Jesus Christ! When we “Rest in Him,” we are VICTORIOUS! As Followers of Christ, WE ARE TRIUMPHANT! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!