February 11 Give the World a Smile! Proverbs 15:13
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.” (Proverbs 15:13NKJ)
There is one overwhelming fact of living right now, right here, in the good ole USA; we cannot change the way that things are!! From the very beginning of this Global Pandemic, with its drastic changes to our way of life, I have observed a steady decline in the number of smiles that I have seen, in any given situation. Granted, times are different and situations are rapidly changing, yet, please be aware that repeating the misery and embracing the chaos does not promote a “Smile” or an “Attitude of Gratitude!” Mama used to tell me that, “A Smile” costs nothing! “Preacher, you don’t know what I am going through!” You may be correct, however, I do know, that as a Born Again Follower of Jesus Christ; that He has promised victory over ANYTHING that I encounter! Chris Rupp does a song entitled, “Smile on My Face,” and I would like to share some of the lyrics, with a slight adjustment to the words… “Whistlin a tune, while I’m walking along, a skip in my step, a rhyme in my song, cuz my Jesus loves me, He’s treatin’ me right! Can’t wipe the Smile from my face tonight. I thought it’d be nice if I’d walk with Him, arm in arm, through this difficult time. I’m ready to shout! Whistlin’ a tune, while I’m walking along with a skip in my step, a rhyme in my song, cuz my Jesus loves me, He’s treatin’ me right and you can’t wipe the Smile from my face!!” Being “Merry” and displaying an Attitude of Gratitude is a choice! Evil abounds, chaos exists, politics and policies are changing, good is seen as bad and bad is seen as good, yet, we cannot change the unfolding of the fulfillment of God’s plan for humanity, so, why not embrace His promises of Grace and Salvation and Strength and Power and Direction and His Love? Believers, it is time that we stop dwelling on the earthly, “we can’t change,” circumstances, and claim the VICTORY for LIVING, that Jesus Christ has brought to us, through the Cross of Calvary and HIS SHED BLOOD! Are you dwelling and focusing on the PROMISE or the PANDEMIC? Again, you cannot change the world, however, by embracing HIS PROMISES, and SHARING HIS LOVE WITH OTHERS, you CAN PROVIDE THE OPPORTUNITY FOR CHANGE IN THAT INDIVIDUAL!! Walking around with a frown on your face and a “Grumpy” disposition and a witness of doom and gloom, will not get one soul closer to Heaven! It is time that Believers re-tool, re-focus, re-dedicate and put a SONG IN OUR HEARTS and BOUNCE in our SPIRITUAL STEP and SMILE!!! When your vertical relationship is proper; when you are looking up to Jesus and looking to the Cross; then your horizontal relationship will take care of itself; because when you are focused on Jesus, regardless of the circumstances, you will see the world differently and you will be about the business of embracing the reality of being an OVERCOMER, with a SMILE on your face and a SONG in your heart!! I want to be that believer! I pray that you do, as well! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!
(SIDE NOTE: This world is not our home, we are just passing through! You are the Child of a King, who is not moved by this world. Your God is with you and He goes before you…DO NOT FEAR, because you are HIS!)