March 15 Pray First! Mark 14:38
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak.” (Mark 14:38)
We are instructed to “Pray without ceasing!” Prayer is a must, for the Believer! Our strength and our power, through the Holy Spirit, are stirred up through PRAYER! Over the past few days, as my best friend, life’s partner, my wife, has endured the challenges of the aftermath of surgery and complications that existed to hamper her recovery, I have been praying with intensity and with repetition! Folks; I KNOW that Annette is going to be OK! I KNOW that GOD hears my PRAYERS! This ordeal has caused me to see the need, the responsibility; the absolute necessity for constant and uninterrupted communication with our Savior, Jesus Christ! Interceding for my Bride is a privilege and during this entire challenge, I have had a worship experience! Now, there have been times that I have truly had deep concerns and “Down-Right” fear for her condition, yet, through it all, there is a confidence that “Everything is going to be alright!” I thank God for the His sustaining power and His Grace! Please join with me in PRAYING! Please join me in honoring and obeying God’s call for our lives, and be in a state of perpetual and power filled prayer! Even though my flesh is weak, and at this moment, tired, He has me and my issues in the palm of His hands! Please continue to join me in PRAYER! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!
**THANK YOU to SUSAN ANDREWS for her leadership and her willingness to be used, by God, to advance HIS Kingdom!**