March 2 Specific and Effective Prayer Proverbs 29:18
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” (Proverbs 29:18)
**Despite the thoughts of some, I have attempted to keep politics out of my daily devotions, however, I feel compelled to speak. The “Equality Act,” that is a re-working of the “Civil Rights Act of 1964, appears to me, to be a direct attack on “Free Speech” and “Religion Liberty!” I predicted, several months ago, that there was coming a time when God’s Word and His directions and Commandments, would be considered, by the ruling “Elite,” to be “Hate” speech. Well, that day has arrived and we, as Followers of Christ, MUST double -down on our prayer for our Nation, our Leaders, and for each other! Folks, I do not know what challenges that we will face, in the days to come, however, I am confident that sharing Jesus and His Love and being “Free” to express your faith and, for that matter, a different opinion than others, will become more and more difficult, as our nation moves from our Constitutionally Guaranteed Freedoms to a more “Controlled” environment. Is there anything, that exists today, that isn’t offensive to someone? PLEASE PRAY! PLEASE HUMBLE YOURSELF! PLEASE SEEK HIS FACE! PLEASE TURN FROM THESE WICKED WAYS! OUR WAY OF LIFE IS ON THE LINE! The groundwork is being laid, the foundations are in place and the natural progression of Satanic Evil is the “Direct and Hate-Filled Persecution” of the Church! “Oh, that can’t happen here!” Really, wake up and look around! PRAY, PRAY, PRAY! By the way, I read ahead and “WE WIN!” As for you Satan, NOT TODAY!!! **
The past year, with the issues and challenges of the life altering pandemic, have caused great concerns among church folk. I have been amazed at the reactions to the changes. Some have taken a militant political view and others a more compliant thought process. I have witnessed and, actually, experienced, the judgment of those that, being guided by their worldly, temporal view, condemn and vilify their fellow believers. This has troubled me, and I began to pray, specifically, for this reality. Surely, God does not intend for us to be at one another’s throats, over this natural, earthly dilemma. What has become crystal clear; is that I must aggressively grow in my faith and to “Hone” my vision of my Savior and to walk in Obedience, regardless of what others may do. Folks, our vision, our mission, our direction comes from, and always will, come from the leading and guidance of the Blessed Holy Spirit! Communication with God, through prayer, is THE KEY to successful Christian Living! I discovered that my prayer time and my prayers DO NOT NEED TO BE GENERAL! With His Vision, I am targeting my prayers, with specific and strategic purpose. I cannot change the way that others react to the issues of the day, however, I am fully responsible for my actions and reactions. Fellow believers; PRAYER is the ONLY way to understand the instructions from His Holy Word, and to apply these words to our lives. I have realized that my “General and Vague” prayers are not effective against the vile and powerful actions of the Evil One. I am coming to the understanding; more and more, each passing day, about the scriptural admonition to, “Pray without Ceasing!” We must be in a “Sold Out to Jesus” position, mentally and physically, and be in a “Constant Attitude of Prayer!” The message today is simple! If we are to survive, and THRIVE, we must focus our vision on the one that has promised Victory! We MUST be willing to submit our “Whole” selves to His Leadership, Lordship and Salvation Victory! As a child, I was told to PRAY! I would go to my room, bow my head, and pray! 5 minutes later, I would come back to my parents and declare, “I Prayed!” One particular event, I clearly remember Mama’s response… “About what Son? You prayed five minutes! You have taken longer to ask me to bring you to the skating rink!” From my earliest recollections, I remember closing out every day with my bedtime prayers! As I recall these prayers, directed by my mother, they were always specific and targeted. “God, please bless Mama and Daddy and Aunt Dolly and Jinx (my cat) and Spot (my dog) and my teacher, Miss Moye.” Amazingly, as I have matured, I seem to have lost the “Specific” nature of my prayers! Praise God! This Pandemic has caused me to evaluate my process and procedures and it has allowed me to re-focus my “Vision,” so that I am more effective in my Spiritual Walk with God! The message is clear…Pray More, Focus on His Will, Walk in Obedience, and make sure that your “VISION” is clearly focused on Him and not the issues of this Sinful World! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS ABSOLUTELY AND WITHOUT DOUBT, YET TO BE!