April 1 Telling the Truth! Galatians 4:16
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” (Galatians 4:16)
Today is the day that telling a lie is acceptable, if you ultimately declare, “April Fool’s!” Unfortunately, telling an untruth and deceiving others, on a daily basis, does not come with a disclaimer! Yesterday, I read a Gallop poll study that stated that those that have a religious conviction or have a relationship with “Faith-Based” organizations, has dropped below 50% of the population! There were many explanations for this fact; however, the true fact is that “People prefer darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil!!” I continue to proclaim the “Good News” and to offer the “Truth,” even in the midst of a hostile and evil environment! Folks have asked me what is going on in this world and why are people acting the way that they are and how can folks profess a belief that is void of any basis in “Common Sense.” The answer is simple! Evil has replaced Common Sense! Think about it…If I am participating in things that are wrong and have been wrong, for centuries, why wouldn’t I embrace a thought process or a “loose” set of standards that would validate and justify my actions? Look at our foundational institutions…Government, Civic Groups, even the Church! Please recognize that this world is rapidly becoming a hostile environment for the True Follower of Christ! When we are “Walking in Obedience” and when we are “Proclaiming the Truth,” then the opposition of evil is swift and sure, in opposition to us, and the message of Christ! He told us that the world hated Him and as His disciples, they hate us, as well!! We are about to celebrate the greatest day in Christian reality and that selfless act on Calvary, for the remission of sins and the salvation of humanity! God loved us enough to send Jesus to die for our sins and THAT IS THE TRUTH! Satan hates this FACT and he is doing everything, within his power, to thwart and weaken this REALITY! The deception and the lying and the degradation of truth are tools in Satan’s arsenal and he has been effective in their use. HOWEVER, I AM HERE TODAY TO DECLARE THE TRUTH! WE HAVE A CHOICE TO MAKE! WHO ARE WE GOING TO SERVE? ARE WE GOING TO FOLLOW THE TRUTH AND STAND FOR CHRIST, REGARDLESS OF WHAT THE MAJORITY WILL DO? HERE THESE WORDS OF FACTUAL TRUTH… John 14:6 – “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” FACT…IF WE ARE UNDER THE REDEEMING BLOOD OF JESUS, THEN WE ARE TO LIVE THAT TRUTH AND SHARE THAT TRUTH AND BE THAT TRUTH! Folks, hang on and armor up, because Satan and his minions are prepared for battle! Are You? As for me, I choose to tell HIS TRUTH and to LIVE IT EACH DAY, regardless of what, is popular or acceptable by this EVIL WORLD! How will you live? I challenge you to “Walk in Truth and to walk in Obedience!” Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!