April 14 The Requirements of a Good Soldier 2 Timothy 2:3
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.” (2 Timothy 2:3)
The Bible compares the Christian’s life to many things. Hebrews compares it to “running a race.” The Christian is likened to a bride, a servant, a steward, a fruitful tree, and a Light. Today, we have a wonderful comparison that has many allusions to it. Paul writes young Timothy and compares the Christian life to that of a “Good Soldier.” He says, “Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.” I believe Paul is implying that there are some soldiers who have joined up with God’s “Army” that are not good. That is, their lives, as soldiers for God, are simply not effective! Paul exhorts Timothy---“Don’t be like them, good for nothing in God’s service—Thou therefore endure hardness as a Good Soldier of Jesus Christ!” What is required to be a Good Soldier of Jesus Christ? The very first thing is that you must volunteer, or answer the draft notice. You must be willing to wear HIS uniform! Folks; God requires you to wear the uniform of His righteousness and to shed all of your old smelly, filthy rags of self-righteousness which absolutely offends Him. Another requirement is that you MUST be willing to fight! Now, wouldn’t it be wonderful to have thousands of soldiers, all dressed up, well trained and having the appearance of a Great Army, but when the time came to fight, they all began to make excuses of why they cannot face the enemy. Excuses would abound! Well, many so-called Christians follow this same pattern. They don’t mind joining the church or even being recognized as a soldier of God, but down the middle of their backs, they have a large yellow streak that keeps them from fighting the Devil. God states very clearly, in Matthew 12:30, “He that is not with Me; and he that gathereth not with Me scattereth abroad.” The disgrace that is brought upon God’s Army is not because we lack numbers, or that there are not folks who are recognized as “SOLDIERS OF GOD.” It is because there are not enough of us who have the “Intestinal Fortitude” to stand up to this “Sinful World” and tell them what God’s word says. It takes courage for a soldier to face the enemy and it requires courage, as a Believer, to face our enemy! Remember, God tells us that we will endure hardships and we will endure persecutions and we will suffer because of Him. Being a Good Soldier is not easy, but the rewards are tremendous! Believers, we are going through some very difficult times and it often seems as if we are being overwhelmed by the EVIL and CHAOS of this world, but DO NOT LOSE HEART! God, IN Ephesians 6:11, instructs us to “Put on the WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD, THAT WE MAY BE ABLE TO STAND AGAINST THE WILES OF THE DEVIL!” Are you a GOOD SOLDIER? Are you focused on honoring God and being a strong and consistent witness of His power and Grace? Are you willing to serve? Are you wearing the uniform of God’s righteousness, so that others can see JESUS in you? Are you courageous enough to fight for the cause of Christ? Are you growing, praying, reading His word, so that you may “ENDURE?” I am a GOOD SOLDIER; however, I intend to be better! I am committed to do whatever is necessary to fulfill HIS purpose for my life as I serve HIM? How about you? Are you a GOOD SOLDIER? Forget the chaos of this world and continue to endure, serve God and be “A BRIGHT LIGHT IN THIS DARK AND EVIL WORLD!” REMEMBER…What God does with you, depends upon what you do! It Always has, It Always will!! To God Be the Glory! Stay Strong, Stay Focused… Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!!