April 5 Worship the RISEN SAVIOR Psalm 95:6
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Come let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker…” (Psalm 95:6)
Jesus has been tortured, bested and crucified on a rugged old wooden cross! He has been buried in a borrowed tomb and a large boulder was placed in front of the tomb. Because of God’s Great Love for us, the boulder was rolled away and the grave is EMPTY! Jesus Christ has Risen, and He is now with the Father and He is interceding for us! “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes, would not perish, but have eternal life…” (John 3:16). This fact alone; ought to be enough to motivate us to honor and worship our Savior, yet, in over 2000 years we still haven’t worked out the kinks and processes. We continue to struggle with the right way to pray and the words to us in that prayer. Do we kneel when we pray or do we stand? It is my habit and privilege, to read a Psalm each day! The Psalms are a collection of beautiful hymns and heartfelt petitions and the one common theme is the hunger for God’s love and grace. The Psalms have many messages. Some of these works are downright defiant, while others are praiseworthy and totally reverent. Some of these beautiful works are to be sung, while others are to be prayed. Every time that I read one of these Psalms, I recognize that worship is a personal thing and that there isn’t a perfect method or recipe for the perfect worship experience. We have our traditions and we have our preferences, yet, true, real and dedicated worship is personal! Our daily worship is a reflection of our attitude and that is absolutely personal! When we gather to have “Corporate” worship, our private and personal worship experiences will set the tone for our “Corporate” worship! The key is Gratitude for His Grace, Commitment to His Calling and Dedication to Declare the Good News! Jesus paid the price; we owe Him our worship, glory and praise!! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!