April 7 Failing at Christian Living Matthew 6:33
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina…“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33)
Over the past 64 years, I have observed others and, yes, myself, and I have experienced times of weakness and challenges in my Christian life. Praise God that He has provided a clear roadmap for success in our walk with Him. The scriptures offer the ONLY WAY to be SUCCESSFUL in this journey. There are some sure-fire ways to Fail at your Christian living! Listen to a few ways to fail… One major way is to omit your quiet time with God every day! If you spend more time reading the paper or spending more time on the internet than you do in prayer and Bible study! Another way to fail is to be “Neutral,” or to be “Lukewarm!” “Straddle the fence” on moral, spiritual and righteous issues. Another great way to fail is to alienate yourself; from church and church folk. When you indulge in satisfying your carnal appetites and are lazy and self- centered and accept the pleasures that the world offers; you are positioned to fail in your Christian life! Here is a good one… Look at the flaws and in consistencies in others and find fault and criticize others. Mama used to tell me that, “you are known by the company that you keep!” One true way to fail, is to hang around and run with non- believers and carnal minded people. Does any of this sound familiar? Could it be that we might just be living our lives with the habits and activities that are not edifying to our Savior and do not represent His great love and sacrifice that He made for us? Folks; the secret of success in the Christian life is not difficult to discover. We are to walk in obedience, demonstrate His love to others and, as the scripture for today states… We are to: “seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Seek God, Obey His Words, Live to reflect Jesus, Be a witness in speech, actions and attitude, and Be what He has Called you to be!!! Every one of us face the challenge to actually be true and faithful, in our living for Jesus and every one of us face temptations and trials! Remember this little FACTUAL STATEMENT and repeat it often…”I AM A CHILD OF THE KING, WHO IS NOT MOVED BY THE WORLD. FOR MY GOD IS WITH ME AND HE GOES BEFORE ME, I DO NOT FEAR BECAUSE I AM HIS!!” Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!