May 3 Refusing to Fear 2 Timothy 1:7
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina…“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7)
We are living in some challenging times, for the believer. Intimidations, threats, oppressions, and a host of issues that are making it difficult to share Jesus in a bold fashion. Each one of us, as Followers of Christ, truly has a responsibility to remain faithful and to be committed to the message of Christ, regardless of the difficulties and challenges. Paul faced the same challenges and even greater threats, yet, he remained faithful. Paul was prepared to pass the torch to young Timothy, and he told him to keep the faith and to remain strong, just as his grandmother and mother had taught him, and to “Fan the Flame of the Gift of God,” in his life and to be bold in his witness. Paul reminded his young protégé that he should not fear or to be fearful. He reminded him that God has given him POWER and LOVE and, through the HOLY SPIRIT, a SOUND MIND (self-discipline). Folks, there is coming a day when being a Christian will be a criminal offence! Evil men, driven by Satan, continue to gain a foothold in the leadership of our land and the by-product of this will surely and ultimately be the systematic silencing of the church and the message of Christ! Paul told Timothy…DO NOT FEAR! The GRACE of GOD, through the SHED BLOOD OF JESUS, provides POWER to live in this evil and sad world and to share HIS LOVE with those around us and provide POWER to control our MINDS and our BEHAVIORS! Keep in mind, all that is going on, and will be going on, in this chaotic and evil world, is designed to squelch the message of God and the LOVE that HE has for HUMANITY. Our responsibility, Our duty, Our privilege, is to serve Christ, in the beauty of His Holiness and to be prepared to face the challenges. The KEY to our success is simple! Paul established the fact that oppression because of Jesus Christ, exists and will exist, as long as this world stands; however, we are to continue to grow our relationship with Christ and to continue to surrender our all to Him and as we continue to walk in obedience and continue to submit our body, mind and soul to Him, then, we will be prepared to face the challenges and the difficulties of being a true Follower of Christ, in a hostile and “TRUTH” hating society. I do not Fear what is to come…”I AM THE SON OF THE KING, WHO IS NOT MOVED BY THE WORLD. FOR MY GOD IS WITH ME AND HE GOES BEFORE ME, I DO NOT FEAR BECAUSE I AM HIS!!!” How about you? What God does with you, is entirely up to you! It always has and it always will! Stay Strong-Stay Focused, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!