May 7 “Your Soul” Psalm 102:11-12
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina…“My days are like a shadow that lengthens, And I wither away like grass. But You, O Lord, shall endure forever, And the remembrance of Your name to all generations.” (Psalm 102:11-12)
Through the calamities and struggles and EVIL that is going on in our world, I wonder if we ever stop to consider the condition of our Soul. The lyrics to a special old song, makes a firm statement, when it says, “It is well with my soul!” Is it well with your soul? Are you, truly, living for God, claiming His Grace, through Jesus Christ and walking in obedient dedication, regardless of the worldly circumstances? Please take the following words to heart and truly consider the message in the light of your own condition! “Have you ever stopped to wonder, what this life is all about, why you’re here and where you’re going, when your lease on time runs out? Maybe you’ve been far too busy, trying hard to reach your goal; would you let me ask you kindly, have you thought about your soul? You may reach the highest portals, and your dreams may all come true; wealth and fame may be your portion, and success may shine on you. All your friends may sing your praises; not a care, on you may roll. What about the great tomorrow? Have you thought about your soul? Don’t forget your days are numbered, though you may be riding high; but like all of us poor mortals, someday you’ll just up and die! Your success and fame and glory won’t be worth the bell they toll. Let me ask you just a question, have you thought about your soul? Why not call upon your Savior? Spend a little time today; there is nothing more important that will ever come your way, than your joy of sins forgiven, and to know you’ve been made whole, in the Name of Christ, the Savior. So, I ask again, Have You Thought About Your Soul?” (Author Unknown) Friends, our earthly lives are rapidly coming to a conclusion and we need to consider the condition of our souls and make absolutely sure that we are “Under the Blood of Jesus” and that our SOUL is Heaven Bound! Over the past few weeks, I have attempted to cause each one of us (including me), to reflect on our priorities and our loyalties and our commitments. We are here for such a short time, so we need to make the best of our time and be about the Father’s business and His business is “SAVING LOST SOULS!” Have you thought about YOUR SOUL? I pray that you are Right with God, READY to serve HIM and RESOLVED to work until HE calls you HOME! THE FACT IS… I LOVE YOU ALL AND I PRAY THAT YOU WILL GET RIGHT WITH GOD AND BE READY, WHEN HE CALLS! Stay Strong, Stay Focused… Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!