June 1 “Advertising For Christ” Matthew 5:16
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)
During my long retail career, I experienced, many competitors that, advertised products, that they didn’t have, nor were they going to sell those products. Many were creating the wrong impression, about the products, just to get folks in the store. I have always thought that this was a sad and deceptive practice, and it usually ends in disappointment. This reminds me of a poem that Daddy used to make a point about impressions. It is called, “The Lion and the Rabbit.” “A lion met a tiger as they drew beside a pool, Said the tiger, ‘Tell me why you’re roaring like a fool.
‘That’s not foolish,’ said the lion with a twinkle in his eyes. ‘They call me King of all beasts because I advertise.’
A rabbit heard them talking and ran home with a streak; he thought he’d try the lion’s plan, but his roar was just a squeak.
A fox came to investigate—Had luncheon in the woods, so when you advertise, my friend, be sure you’ve got the goods!” The Lord actually commands us to advertise, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature…” Christ tells us, in our scripture passage for today, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.” In the secular world, advertising is used to draw attention to a product or a service and there are various methods for this purpose. We live in an age in which a majority of the people may be experiencing “Brainwashing,” due to so much false advertising. Could it be possible, that in the Spiritual world, that there is “False” advertising? Saying that we are one thing and acting like another. Why advertise? We do it to attract people to our products, services or ideas. In the Christian life, advertising is essential to honor God’s calling. Unfortunately, there are many that label themselves as Christian, but their lives show “False advertising!” If an investigation were made of your life, as a Christian, could you be sued for “False Advertisement?” Christ told us to go and lift Him up as the key to eternal life in Heaven, but perhaps we have lifted up other things. What a shame! There are some of us that will spend their whole life lifting up the wrong things, maybe leading folks into a religious circle, yet never leading them to Christ! A few days ago, I re-read a Devotion, that I wrote last year, about that “Old Time Religion” and I truly believe that we need to keep it fresh and vital before folks and allow the Spirit of God to draw them into His saving Grace. Remember this? “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto me.” True Advertising…Here are the facts: When the lost and dying world sees that we love when we are hated, and that we return good for evil, then they will surely know, as we speak out for Christ, that He has the power to change hearts and lives. This power transcends our human prejudices and cultural bias. We must be “True” and “Bold” in our True Witness for Christ! Believer, because of your truthful advertising, the sinner will know that you are acquainted with the One who has the kind of power that they need to live a life pleasing to God! “Please Lord; let our advertising be true and effective!” To God Be The Glory! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!