June 25 Purpose of the Church Romans 10:1
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Brothers and sisters, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for the Israelites is that they may be saved.” (Romans 10:1)
Over the years, I have observed the workings of the “Church” and I have, often, questioned the purpose and function of the “Church.” I have got to believe that God has a greater purpose, for the “Church” that He loves so dearly, than larger buildings and expansion plans. Is it possible that we have become so used to the process of “Church,” that we have forgotten the purpose for every believer? Paul said that his desire was for the Israelites to be saved, and he prayed to that end. When is the last time that you prayed for the salvation of your family or friends? Folks, as I witness the radical changes in the way in which we worship and do “Church,” because of the Coronavirus Pandemic, I recognize the “REAL” reason for the “Church!” What was the church like in the New Testament? The church that we see in the New Testament is dynamic. Never a prisoner of buildings, we see the church meeting in the temple, in a synagogue, in the street, beside the sea, in public places, and often in homes (since COVID19, does this sound familiar). Acts describes a community of faith in constant movement: “Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple, and broke bread from house to house. They ate their food with joyful and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. Every day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved” (Ac 2:46-47). It appears that the meetings were daily, and definitely not monotonous. Worship, fraternal communion, prayer, working in mutual edification, giving testimony of Christ, and taking care of the needs of the poor were not part of special programs, but rather everyday activities. Those that observed the believers’ way of life called them people of “the Way”—surely due to their constant action, their defined doctrine, and because they could always be seen going from one place to another. The future of the Lord’s church is a glorious one. The church will not only be victorious in heaven, but here on earth as well. By taking another look at Matthew 16:18, we see that it refers to the church when it says “and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.” Jesus’s statement here does not present a small and fearful group of timid believers. On the contrary, it shows a vigorous and bold church, capable of coming out victorious in any circumstance, including death. When Jesus presents the church as triumphant, even against the gates of Hades, we should see Satan and all his demons defeated by the work of the cross, and representing no threat for the future of the church. Those that form part of the church belong to the winning team and should speak and act as such. The future of the church was established on the mission statement in Matthew 28:19: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations . . .” The verse does not invite us to make disciples “in” the nations but “of” the nations. The church must disciple the nations. As it advances, it teaches the nations how to live. The church carries out the work of discipleship just by existing in the world. Of course, this puts an enormous weight of responsibility on the shoulders of every believer (you & I), as it assumes that our lives are to be true examples and inspiration to this sinful world. It is not programs or procedures or traditions or personalities or prejudices or human thoughts that build the “Church,” it is the LORD HIMSELF, the HOLY SPIRIT that leads and guides and empowers us to be dedicated to the CAUSE of CHRIST: The purpose of the Church is to be the BRIGHT LIGHT in the midst of this Worldly Darkness. So, the purpose of the “Church” is to share Jesus Christ and to navigate others into a “Saving” experience with HIM. Have we forgotten the Real and True purpose? The fact of the matter is clear… The Early New Testament believers, the Church, were in a constant state of witness and their lives were consumed with the purpose of, just as Paul stated and prayed for, the Salvation of Souls! Is it possible that we have gotten used to “Doing Church,” that we have forgotten to “BE THE CHURCH?” UNDER THE SAVING BLOOD OF JESUS, WE HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO LIVE EVERY MOMENT GLORIFYING GOD AND TO BE ABOUT THE BUSINESS OF SHARING JESUS. OUR LIVES MUST BE A REFLECTION OF OUR GROWING FAITH AND OUR DESIRE TO SERVE GOD. CHRISTIANITY IS NOT A PART TIME ENDEAVOR! IT IS A LIFESTYLE, MOTIVATED BY HIS BOUNDLESS LOVE AND REDEEMING BLOOD. The past several months have presented a great opportunity for me to evaluate my own life and how I am participating in the real purpose of the “Church.” PLEASE, AS A SAVED BELIEVER, COMMIT YOURSELF TO JESUS AND FOCUS ON THE REAL PURPOSE OF THE CHURCH…SHARING THE LOVE OF GOD AND SERVING OTHERS, IN THE NAME OF JESUS! Are you living a “PART-TIME” Christian Life? Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!