July 13 “Our Commission” John 20:21
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” (John 20:21)
Picture the scene, Jesus has been crucified and the Disciples were afraid that the same mob that falsely accused and beat Him and crucified Him, would be coming for them. They quickly gathered in one room, behind a securely bolted door. Amazingly and miraculously, their entire situation was about to change: “Jesus came and stood in the midst. (v19) … Can you imagine? Their fear was replaced with shock and amazement. The first words that Jesus spoke to these fearful followers were so appropriate: “PEACE BE WITH YOU!” Jesus came to fulfill His mission for humankind and the Holy Scriptures clearly tells us that God, the Father, sent Jesus, His Son, into this sinful world, in order to make it possible for we, as sinful man, to be forgiven and to re-establish our relationship with God, the Father. It is here and now, that Jesus commissions His Disciples to go into this sinful world, with the mission of telling others about the Love of God and the miraculous power of Jesus to have conquered Death and Sin and through His Grace, that they, too, could be saved. Jesus prepared His Disciples for the struggle and task ahead. He breathed on them, and He gave them a taste of the Power that would be coming at Pentecost: THE HOLY SPIRIT! Folks, God’s Love and the sacrifice of Jesus is for us, even today! Just as Jesus commissioned His Disciples to go into the world and share Jesus, we too, have that same commission, right now, right here, today! He promised that we would not be “Comfortless,” that is, we would not be “Powerless!” The Holy Spirit provides the guidance and the Power and the Presence to carry out this “GREAT COMMISSION!” Sharing Jesus IS NOT ONLY FOR THE PREACHER; IT IS FOR EVERY BELIEVER! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!