July 16 His Glory: Our Ultimate Goal John 14:13
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Whatever you ask in My Name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” (John 14:13)
Prayer, and our participation in prayer, is simple; yet; has very specific requirements. Jesus told His Disciples that whatever they asked in His Name would be given to them. These are the words of Jesus, Himself, and these words have promise for us, right now, today! We need to, first, consider the “ask in My Name!” Many of us (Christians) will close our prayers with the words, “IN JESUS’ NAME, AMEN.” Daddy told me, many years ago, that, if I did not pray “In Jesus’ Name,” that my prayers were just “so many words…” What he was attempting to explain, is that our prayers, regardless of the intensity and specific nature of the request, if we are not asking in the proper attitude and in the proper relationship and if our prayers are not in alignment with the will of God, do not expect Jesus to fulfill the request. Folks, our prayers, our communication motives, should be completely consumed in our desire to glorify the Father through the Son and our prayers should include an attitude and desire to express “Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven” (Matthew 6:10). Bottom Line: Prayer is our opportunity to “Praise God,” and our responsibility to communicate and to “Glorify” God through Jesus Christ! Everything that we do, as Believers, in about attitude and relationships. The stronger that we grow, in our faith, and the more committed that we become, the results will be a stronger prayer life and that will be demonstrated by a “Selfless” request and a “Glorifying” praise! What God does with you is entirely up to you. It always has and it always will! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!