Home is like a cake…
Greetings to you today from Aaron Johnson, Deacon of Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, NC. As deacons we are honored to serve our Facebook congregation as we assist Pastor Glen for a short period of time.
Home is a reminder of a cake…each person has a position or purpose, and all together make a joyful life. Five brothers and one sister on a tobacco farm and none broke any bones ‘til grown. I was born in 1929, no electricity ‘til 1940. I, being the baby, lots of times got hand-me-down clothes. There were no beatings or cursing, no alcohol, no hunger. Hard work, yes, but made to go to school and learn. One of us fed chickens, another fed the hogs, another the work teams, another milked the cows. There was wood to carry in for the cook stove, fireplace, or heaters (later on). There was always a struggle to survive and to make a living, yet my Daddy paid off his land debt during the 1930’s. Sundays were for Church and Sunday School followed by visiting, usually with relatives or friends. Lots of families had no transportation except by wagons or buggies on a dirt road or path. All of us together accomplished a very well-rounded family.
Life had a lot of ingredients like a cake has. God uses us to sweeten others’ lives; to give life a flavor that is unforgettable and that others may desire in their life so others can see, taste, and enjoy.
Jesus never said our life would be easy, He did say our burden would be light if we follow in his footsteps. In my 92 years I have seen that Jesus is faithful. May the Lord bless you!