August 6 HE Knows Best Proverbs 3:5
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Trust the Lord with all your heart, and don’t depend on your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5)
During our recent vacation, I received a call from a young man that was in distress. He had, apparently, did something that caused him to doubt his salvation and his position in the kingdom. He was crying out to me for help! After listening to his confession and his pleas for guidance, I explained to him that we “walk by Faith, and not by sight!” Simply put, we do not fit in this world! We are designed and made to live forever and because of Adam’s actions, we must live here on earth until God calls us home. We were created to be in harmony and fellowship with God, and He loves us enough that he sent Jesus to die for our sins, to reestablish our relationship with God the Father. So, here on earth, we walk by FAITH, and we are going to stumble and even fall, yet; our God loves us enough to provide redemption and renewal and restoration for our journey. We must trust God to know what is best for us and to continue to grow in our relationship with Him through the empowering of the Holy Spirit! Paul told us that he, himself, struggled with the human side of his life. He said that the things that he should do, he didn’t and the things that he shouldn’t do, he did! Even Paul struggled in his humanity. Folks, our relationship with Jesus is not determined by what we do; it is totally and completely an act of Grace. Remember, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in His should not perish, but have eternal life (John 3:16)!” The end of our conversation went like this… Do you believe that Jesus has saved your soul? His answer was “YES!” Do you understand that you are going to make mistakes and that you CANNOT live a perfect life here on earth? He answered, “YES!” Are you focused on Jesus and are you growing every day, in your RELATIONSHIP with Jesus? His answer was so truthful and so revealing… “Well, I am trying…” Listen, here is the issue! Satan uses “doubt” to cloud our witness and to make us question our commitment! So, the answer to doubt is a “GROWING FAITH!!!” When your Faith is dynamic and growing, then your doubts and fears will subside. Do not let Satan deceive you into believing that God is not powerful and truthful enough to keep what He has promised… What God does with us is entirely up to us…it always has, and it always will! Are you struggling? Are you doubting your walk with Christ? Are you walking by what you see, instead of the Promises and Provisions of God? Simply put… Claim His Promises, Walk in Faith and Keep Growing as you study His word and continue to talk with God, through “Constant” Prayer! Repeat…NOT TODAY SATAN, NOT TODAY!! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!