September 4 Surrendering Your Thoughts Luke 5:22
***Due to the rise in COVID19 related illnesses, we are strongly encouraging the use of Masks, within the sanctuary, and to continue to observe “Social Distancing.” Together, with a faithful reliance on God, we will overcome this present challenge!!***
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Jesus knew what they were thinking and asked, ‘Why are you thinking these things in your heart?’” (Luke 5:22)
The way that we think and the things that we dwell on are critically important in our Spiritual Journey! In a portion of Proverbs 23:7, it says, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he!” We are all aware that our thoughts are often conflicted. Many thoughts rush through our heads and the results are often guilt, despair, doubts, fears, uncertai9nties, anger and a host of other thoughts! Often, our thoughts are controlled by the circumstances, of the moment, and we experience anger over the circumstances, and we worry about what is going to happen, and we start complaining about everything! I have witnessed, during the struggles of this present Pandemic and the surge of the Delta variant, a harsh and distressing reality. Many, including Professing Believers, are allowing the circumstances of the day to dictate attitude and behavior. Dwelling on the issues of the day can cause anger, tensions, frustrations, confusion, helplessness, worry, and extreme anxieties that we need not be involved with! (FYI---A FACT OF LIFE: WE CANNOT CHANGE THE WAY THAT THE WORLD IS GOING! GOD’S PLAN WILL UNFOLD AND HIS PROPHESIES WILL BE FULFILLED!) Are you focusing on the crazy, upside down, evil happenings? Are you consumed by the “News of the Day?” When we are under the Blood of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit is guiding and sustaining us, we are not going to understand the insanity of this age! I have stopped allowing the “Rot” and “Insanity” to constantly enter my mind! I have limited my, so called, “News,” to the weather and the general highlights of the day. Folks, Evil is running rampant throughout our world. The very survival of nation, as we know it, is under attack. “COMMON SENSE” is dying a slow and painful death! Ridiculous and insane concepts are being adopted as the way that we should think and act, and these Evil motivated actions are draped in Satanic intent!! So, what are you thinking? Are you dwelling on the obviously evil and twisted thoughts and actions of the day? Can you imagine, that in New York City School System, the idea of “Class Rankings” is on the “Chopping Block,” because, God Forbid, that any child would “Feel” inadequate or less than their neighbor. It is proper and “A Must,” to destroy an unborn child, yet you can go to jail if you destroy a tree or a “striped newt!” Do you understand? Are you engaged in the lunacy of this day? Does it really matter what the world is doing? Well, not for me! Yes, I have to live, in this world, and I have to navigate through the situations that exist, however, I refuse to be a part of the insanity!!! So, what’s next? I am focused on the fact that this is not my home and that I am just passing through! I am praying and I am watching, and I am surviving; and I am attempting to share Jesus with as many people as possible, until God calls me home! Just remember… as a Believer, He has set us free, even in the midst, of all, of the mayhem, and insanity that dominates our world. Claim His freedom and be set free! What are you thinking? Are you Dwelling on the world? Surrender Your Thoughts and Actions to God and Live for Him, not the World! Please don’t worry…When we are HIS, and HE dwells in us, we are GREAT! I am living the VICTORY PRINCIPLE: “I affirm that God’s power is rising in me, Renewing and healing my body, Bringing power to my mind, Giving me success in my work. I affirm health, energy, enthusiasm, the joy of Life. All of this I owe to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. He has given me the VICTORY PRINCIPLE for which I thank Him every day!” NOT TODAY SATAN, NOT TODAY!! What God does with you, depends on what you do! It always has, and it always will! Control what comes into your mind and continue to serve Him in obedience and do not Fear! MY GOD HAS THIS!!! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!